Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

By the

September 5, 2002


Thank you for bringing him into my life

Classic rock it, while we have a chance

Only losers CHOOSE to go to foam parties.


Sean … it’s just Jarosch

You Southern girls are disgusting.

Why are you watching me iron?

Don’t give Bonus no lines, and keep your hands to yourself.

No one touches Liam’s sister this weekend.

Here I sit, dispensing “g?le g?les”.

S, J, C, S?Thank you for being so understanding this week?L

I know that you’ll be okay. Even though I can’t be home you’re in my thoughts all the time.

What is under my pillow? Oh it’s just the Qur’an.

Coming soon? The Rosslyn Project.

L-Hova?I hear your sister is a hottie. WORD.

Niffer?I figured it was high time you got one of these bad boys. Honestly, I will call you this weekend, and your penpal could maybe even impress me by preparing dinner. Or not. But I will catch you in the Big Apple. ( Stay cool?wpc

Liam need to get lei-d.

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