
Club formed in opposition to SAY

By the

February 15, 2001

Students have formed a group called Students Against Students Against the Yard, according to a Georgetown graduate.

Manny Miranda (SFS ‘82) said he received an e-mail from Tom Weirich (SFS ‘02) in which Weirich said he, Rashid Darden (CAS ‘01), Wesley Cross (SFS ‘03) and Josh Williams (SFS ‘03) have organized SASAY.

“Whether you are for or neutral on the Yard you will appreciate how much effort went into getting a petition of 1,700. All of a sudden a self-appointed group of the usual suspects has come out of nowhere to bully their way to a seat at the table,” said Weirich in the e-mail.

According to Cross, SASAY will argue for the merits of the Yard and to make sure information dissiminated about the Yard is accurate. “SAY and a few others have been using underhanded tactics in attempt to misrepresent what is happening with the Yard,” Cross said.

“The whole thing is meant to be taken seriously, but not. If you look at the acronym, the letters say sassy,” Cross said.

Aaron Polkey (CAS ‘02), the spokesman for Students Against the Yard, said he had heard about SASAY.

“I’m more interested in working with the Yard people at this point and trying to create the best document possible. If students want to be against us for wanting to work together, then I don’t know what to think,” Polkey said.

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