
Get over it

By the

February 22, 2001

Just a brief question: Is anyone else fed up with this whole “Troy Murphy is such a goofy and clever guy” phenomenon?

In the media over the past few weeks, reporters have been gobbling up the notion that Notre Dame’s center is some new-millenium Andy Kaufman. So what makes Troy Murphy so eccentric and witty? Well, as ESPN the Magazine reported, Troy didn’t comb his hair throughout his four years of high school! Nope. Not once. And this is funny? Where I come from (and there are a lot of dirty rednecks where I’m from … ), we call that bad hygeine, not funny.

When I was in fourth grade I dunked my head in the sink in the morning so my mom and friends would think that I had showered (Ha! Fooled ‘em!). But the only person calling attention to me was the school nurse on lice-inspection day. Well, I didn’t really have lice, but you get the point, right?

What else? Well, Murphy writes “redrum”(from The Shining) on his sneakers to get him pumped up for games. Kooky, huh? He’s such a card. But anyone can write gibberish on their shoes and come up with an excuse for it. Usually, we call those people “mentally disturbed,” not role-models, and I don’t see People doing a feature on the M-Street sign lady.

He dressed up as a fairy-queen on Halloween and went trick-or-treating in his dorm. Can you believe it? He dressed up in a costume for Halloween! How strange! (I hope my sarcasm is translating well enough.)

I’ve seen people do wierd things. I grew up with them. One of my friends has a 1974 Ford Fiesta for Christ’s sake! These people are everywhere, and they are certainly funnier than Troy Murphy is.

So, to all you enterprising journalists out there: Get over it! Troy Murphy ain’t that strange. Even if he is a jock, he’s exactly what every college student should be?an idiot.

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