
GUSA approves student funding

By the

March 29, 2001

The Georgetown University Student Association approved the student activities budget Tuesday. The budget was proposed by the GUSA funding board Monday.

The funding board allocated the $150,000 of expected revenue from the student activities fee, a fee being implemented this fall.

The Student Activities Commission received the most money, $22,500, or 15 percent. The Media Board received $21,000 ,or 14 percent. Volunteer and Public Service, the Advisory Board for Club Sports, GUSA and the Performing Arts Advisory Council all received approximately 13 percent. The remainder was allocated to InterHall, HoyaBlue, Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service and the Georgetown Program Board. Three percent of funds were set aside for a reserve fund.

This is the first year funds have been allocated by the GUSA funding board. In the past, the Office of Student Affairs has distributed funds among the various student groups. The funding board is composed of the GUSA president and the student chairs or vice-chairs of the six funding boards?Media Board, PAAC, VPS, ABCS, SAC, and GPB.

The funding board established guidelines by which to allocate funds. The board considered each organization’s benefit to the on campus community, benefit to students participating in off-campus activities, record of efficient expenditure and past performance. The board also looked at the funding adequate to meet current programming needs, use of this year’s capital improvement funds, availability of alternative sources of revenue and possibility for new programming.

Tawan Davis (CAS ‘01), GUSA president, said SAC received the greatest percentage of money because they fund 83 percent of student clubs.

This year marks the first time GUSA will not be funded by SAC. GUSA was allocated $20,000 for funding of activities such as speeches, proposals and publications such as the campus guide.

Terry Platchek (CAS ‘01), SAC chair, said he thought the allocations would have been different had student leaders done more research concerning funds needed by each group. Platchek said he thought the funding board set the precedent of giving funds to any group that asked, such as InterHall, HoyaBlue and GERMS.

“The funding board needs to exercise more discretion in coming years,” Platchek said.

Platchek said the funding board presents many advantages.

“The advantage of the funding board is students allocated student tuition dollars. Administrators approach student activities differently than students,” Platchek said.

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