
Taking control

By the

November 1, 2001

According to the Rape Crisis Center, one out of three women and one out of very four men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. But for one week in November, however, these figures are not just statistics on a page, but the faces and voices of individuals who rally in Take Back the Night, an event that summons power and strength for victims of sexual assault, and for those who want to help fight against it.

This powerful coming-together of students in a week-long series of events will take place Nov. 5 through Nov. 9. Take Back the Night week is designed to bring awareness and empowerment to individuals and to inspire action that will bring an end to violence against women. For the women of the Georgetown University community it is an important forum. The week culminates in a rally Friday evening that includes an open microphone for survivors as well opportunities for students to sing and march.

Last Friday two female students were assaulted in Burleith. A similar assault took place the week before. In a community-wide e-mail, the Department of Public Safety cautioned women, “Once again, the importance of not being out at late or unusual hours can not be overemphasized, particularly for females.” The DPS message is unfair because it assumes that women have less of a right to be out as late as men do. It goes against the essence of Take Back the Night, which is to empower women in their daily lives.

The administration needs to show that the issue of violence against women is an important one for our community. Events such as Take Back the Night and resources such as the Women Center need to be emphasized. The office of Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Services should not have to combat the issue of women violence by itself?the issue affects everyone on campus, and therefore merits everyone’s attention. There needs to be a University-wide effort to ensure that this campus and its surrounding community is a safe environment for women.

Members of the Georgetown community should participate in Take Back the Night, support the survivors of women violence and remember the victims.

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