
The Sports Sermon

By the

November 1, 2001

“ECU vs. TCU. Tuesday night Conference USA football! Hoo-wa!”

There’s a sort of pit you fall into at this time of year. You can’t pull yourself away from the World Series, college football rivalries, NFL rushing stats, Loy Vaught viewing and, for the refined, Champions League soccer on ESPN2. We here at the Sermon offer a simple solution to the Joycean question of what path to take, whether to stay in your hole of depression, or flee to a land where you gleefully live out your dreams?

The answer? Live life and go watch sports. Screw homework, screw your roommates, screw your professors. It’s November, and Digger Phelps looms.

Now, this is no sign of disrespect to the straight and narrow, to those who make the rules, to the people that say, “If you want a good job and a good life you need to work hard and get a job that makes a lot of money or else your life will be a waste and the only way to do that is to go to a good school and get good grades.”

What’s more important to you? A Joey Harrington touchdown drive, or a paper on Orwellian notions of fascism? One thing’s for sure: Big Brother sure as hell couldn’t run a five wideout set.

So make a groove on that futon, order some pizza, enjoy a chilled beverage and turn on the TV for some dope sports. On GU cable, channels 2, 6, 10, 27, 36 and 43 are preferable.

(Note: Stay away from channels 14 and 52, unless you like Louisiana Senator John Breaux and aluminum siding. And did you know we get Al-Jazeera? Rock!)

Let’s even expand the thesis to this: Screw work, live life and pursue what matters. Hey, that passion may be sports. But if you need exercise, European food delicacies or have an insatiable need to go to the geographic center of North America (Rugby, North Dakota), then go do it! If you’re in love, then tell the person, grab his or her hand and run away together! School doesn’t matter that much, friends. Your passions will take you much farther than your GPA ever will. Don’t worry, be happy.

Ah, Bobby McFerrin, how sage you were …

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