Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

By the

August 29, 2002

300 Minutes … total

My stereotype about English people is that they speak with English accents.
Marco was there too.

Maybe I could just make one phone call, just to stir up a teensy weensy bit of drama…

J?I will see you in the AFL2 someday. Hopefully someday soon?L

S?I’m glad you’re happy?L

Julia’s not-so-weekly Haiku:
Pukey took my car
Drove five blocks to Safeway store
There goes one headlight.

ML?I’M BACK! I know you are incredibly excited! I am so glad to be done with phone dates and on to real dates. I missed you more than you know.

Our News Girls are the poster children for Georgetown underage drinking

At first I thought it was a fun night. Then I realized it was complete debauchery.

Kak- don’t worry, I think “sleeping” in the stairwell is cool.

Leelee- Currently appreciating you more and more. Glad I can contribute to your alcoholism. Love, J

Tim Healy revised the venerable “Sons of Georgetown” to produce a gender-neutral version. Perhaps it is time for another revision incorporating current preoccupations:

Floods of freshmen are upon us.
They will likely overrun us.
Ever clearly younger than us,
They will save the day.
Their tuition ever greater
Pleases each administrator
Who to their desires will cater
For the Blue and Gray.
Circuses forever!
But to beer say “never”!
While some complain
Who will explain
Why Georgetown swills forever?
Now the age is twenty-one years
Prompted by their parents’ own fears.
But without their illegal beers
How can students play?

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