Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault, a recently formed student group, released a second report on the University’s sexual assault policy yesterday. The report examines the adjudication process and offers solutions to perceived problems.
One change the report suggests is to categorize nonconsensual sexual penetration as sexual assault and a Category C offense in the Student Code of Conduct. Under the current policy, nonconsensual sexual penetration is a Category B offense listed under the category of sexual misconduct.
The report also advocates creating mandatory minimum sanctions for those found responsible for sexual assault, providing more comprehensive training for administrators involved in sexual assault services and disclosing information regarding incidents of sexual assault and the outcome of the adjudication process.
AFIRMS’ first report, released Jan. 13, analyzed the structure of University sexual assault services, and recommended moving the position of Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Coordinator from Health Education Services to the Women’s Center.
Both reports are a result of student dissatisfaction with University sexual assault policy and services, according to AFIRMS’ members.