Two Georgetown students were honored Tuesday night for their service on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E. The ANC’s recognition of former Commissioners Justin Kopa (CAS ‘03) and Justin Wagner (CAS ‘03) is the first time students have been recognized for their efforts on the ANC.
Also recognized at the meeting were the accomplishments of two other former Commissioners, Peter Pulsifer and Scott Polk.
Kopa and Wagner worked jointly with other members of the campus community to get the Student Bill of Rights, a document focused on preserving the rights of students passed by the ANC in October 2001.
Both commissioners took an active stance in advocating that several local bars improve their ID checking and curb instances of underage drinking before their liquor licenses would be renewed.
Commissioner Mark Ryan presented Kopa with his framed commendation, which praised his “significant advancement of his community’s harmony, safety and welfare,” and “outstanding efforts and positive impact.”
Kopa’s work with ANC included proposing potential solutions to the visitor parking problem and taking positive steps to improve Georgetown’s often tense relations with the neighboring community.
When presenting Wagner with his award, Commissioner Len Levine said Wagner’s greatest accomplishment “an improvement in the level and quality of dialogue between the Georgetown University student community and Georgetown residents living near the campus.”
Wagner’s accomplishments include advancing several public safety initiatives and working closely with the Metropolitan Police Department.
“It is good after working really hard for two years to look back at some of the things we accomplished,” Wagner said when speaking of his recognition.
Kopa and Wagner were elected due in part to the efforts of Campaign Georgetown. Formed in 1996, the group works to convince students to register in the District of Columbia so that they may elect students to the ANC.
Since 1996, Georgetown students have served on the ANC, voicing student concerns to the surrounding community. Mike Glick (CAS ‘05) was elected to the ANC in November as a representative of a newly created all-student district.
Brian McCabe (SFS ‘02), Co-Chair of Campaign Georgetown, praised Kopa and Wagner’s efforts in the community.
“Justin and Justin have done more for Georgetown, its administration and for students than any other students have,” McCabe said. “They deserve commendation at least, and much more than that.”