
All kidding aside, GPIG expands schedule

By the

October 16, 2003

It’s a Sunday night in Lauinger, and Midnight Mug is packed. But students haven’t come here to study. The new Georgetown Players Improv Group season is about to begin.

This year, Georgetown’s popular improvisational comedy group has added weekly Sunday performances at Midnight Mug to its already well attended monthly shows in Bulldog Alley.

The group hopes to establish themselves as a more visible presence this year. “They want as much exposure as possible. Because they practice so often, they want the opportunity to perform more as well,” said Kristen Krikorian, Vice President of the Georgetown Players, and manager of GPIG.

Director Jackie Novak (CAS ‘04) says new members are changing the group dynamic. After losing so many seniors last year, GPIG had to rebuild the group through auditions this fall. This year’s crew is a comedic amalgamation of GPIG veterans and new recruits; throughout the year, they will try to establish a new collective identity.

“This is a total reinventing year,” said assistant director John Mulaney (CAS ‘04). Seniors are enthusiastic about the new group. ” It’s a lot of fun to find other ways of thinking, to discover new vibes between myself and the new players,” said assistant director John Hebden (SFS ‘04).

Nevertheless, Mulaney said that the seniors in the group are like a family, making performance easier. “There’s a comfort zone, from having worked together so long. We’re thinking in the same way,” Mulaney said.

Moreover, the first-years are unfamiliar with some of the group’s conventions. “Sometimes they seem shocked by how blue our humor is,” said Novak. The seniors looked wistful as they reminisced about what Mulaney called the “beautiful vulgarity” that was so prevalent in the 2002-03 troupe’s humor.

The group’s first Bulldog Alley performance is this Sat. at 8 and 10 pm.

Voice Staff
The staff of The Georgetown Voice.

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