
Sports Sermon: St. John’s is straight trash

February 12, 2004

“I’m not even going to try to compare our program to St. John’s”-Craig Esherick

So, it’s a good thing that those six St. John’s players had one of those nifty little picture phones to capture the excitement of their explicit sex romp with a prostitute that they refused to pay. Oh wait, no it’s not. It’s absolutely despicable! Real college basketball players don’t pick up prostitutes, let alone rape them and then refuse to pay. What in the mission statement of an allegedly Catholic school leaves gray area on whether or not raping a prostitute is morally permissible?

Look, I’m not usually the guy to push for moral rigidity in sports. It almost makes me sick when every athlete spends 15 minutes thanking their personal almighty for the strength to achieve. And I unabashedly like cheerleaders’ skimpy little outfits. I don’t even care if Janet wants to “boob” us. Still, this crap with college basketball has got to stop. Last year, St. Bonaventure’s coach played a “student” who used a welder’s certificate as his junior-college diploma.

And he wasn’t even the worst! A Baylor player killed his best friend and teammate, subsequently avoiding the law and admission of guilt for over a month before caving into inner ghosts and demons. Amidst the melee, Baylor’s coach was recorded telling his assistants to try to

“play up the drug angle” if possible to help save the program some face.

Excuse me? What is wrong with these people? Once upon a time, college hoops were about competition and academics, side-by-side, not mutually exclusive. With these deplorable Johnnies (yes, both in soliciting prostitution and playing for St. John’s), who are even worse as people than they are on the court, we should forget about expelling them. Lock ‘em up. I don’t even care if they keep the key.

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