A Georgetown student was sexually assaulted in her Prospect Street home early Sunday morning by an unidentified man who remains at large.
While most of the details concerning the incident remain unclear, the Department of Public Safety described the suspect Monday in a public safety alert e-mail as a White or Latino/Hispanic male in his mid-twenties. DPS also noted in the alert that it is unclear how the suspect entered the victim’s house.
Although the victim filed a report with the Metropolitan Police Department, the details of the incident have not been made public because the sensitive nature of sexual assault, MPD Officer Junis Fletcher said. “Because this case involves a potential sexual assault and a potential break-in, there’s a different dynamic. We have to go about our job gingerly, and in a very specific way,” Fletcher said.
Although DPS would not offer any details other than those in the public safety alert, Interim Director Darryl Harrison said that the department is working closely with MPD to gather information and evidence.
Health Education Services Director Carol Day said she cannot reveal whether the individual has contacted her department. However, she said that the sexual assault team at Health Education normally assists survivors of sexual assault with medical and psychological services, housing transfers and the incident, if desired.