
Sports Sermon

March 4, 2004

“He always joked about the NCAA, never seemed to take it seriously, “-Georgia student on asst. coach Jim Harrick Jr.

Hey serm’, I’ve been living in a hole the past two weeks, I didn’t miss anything did I? No athletes got in trouble did they? Its nice to see that the sports world has cleaned up its image and that the legal ledgers have been cleared of high-profile athletes clogging up the courts.

Ha! What a laugher! So, Jamal Lewis officially surpassed Michael Irvin as the dumbest coke-head in football. I don’t care if he didn’t really do anything, he was on the damn cell phone ordering up crack for his buddy to sell. That’s conspiring to distribute buddy, see you in two to 10.

Oh, but he’ll get off like all the rest. O.J.’s line was “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit,” and J.L.’s will be “My Nokia didn’t sell no coke-ia.”

With the Kobe rape trial and the Jayson Williams manslaughter trial in full swing, Jamal is slathering the icing on the cake. Let’s be honest here, how many people actually think these guys didn’t do the crimes they’re accused of? If you’re raising your hand right now, go slap yourself a few times and repeat after me: “O.J. is not really looking for the ‘real killer’. He’s playing golf.”

In the summer of 2000, Jamal was in the process of signing a multi-million dollar contract with the Ravens. There were only minor snags when he placed the call to help his bud score some rock. If his friend wanted to use, that’s one thing, but he was buying to sell.

Why would one of Jamal’s boys need to sell crack? Jamal couldn’t front him a few hundred smackers for his rent or some bling? If Lewis was so cheap while knowing he was about to sign a huge contract, he deserves the druggie friends and all the punishment coming to him. Besides, a couple years in the slammer should give him some new friends anyway.

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