Power trip: check.
I left my dignity in Dahlgren fountain.
And your bra.
The deal was I run through the fountain, you make out with me. Damn you.
Not the magic formula you expected? Life is like that.
“Serenity Now?”
“No, Sterility now!!”
“The Amish?”
“No, the office!”
Seniors work? Jay isn’t feelin’ it. Is D-Bone still a senior?
We’ll love our last two beverages, comfortably and pleasurably.
Dream on, Stroup.
I will. About you. You know it.
Billy C.
This is for you. Yes, you. Now you can make out with me.
Mmmm, editor-in-chief. Where’s the maraschino cherry?
Lumpling is missed.
Slug I hope the special country thing works out for you. Remember the sign.
Beatrix redux.
The happiness that attends disaster.
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