
Clements announces intention to run for ANC seat

By the

September 2, 2004

Brett Clements (CAS ‘07) is hoping to fill the soon-to-be empty local government position currently held by Mike Glick (CAS ‘05).

The position in question is an Advisory Neighborhood Commission seat for Ward 2E. The Advisory Neighborhood Commission serves mainly as a liaison between community residents and D.C. government.

As an ANC commissioner, Clements hopes to work on improving the relationship between Georgetown students and the residents of the surrounding community.

Clements said that he is confident that his personable demeanor, organizational skills and experience in campus political life have prepared him well to serve the Georgetown community.

Clements’ predecessor, Glick, is satisfied with the achievements of his term and optimistic about Brett’s ability to follow up.

“Brett is enthusiastic, competent and ready to learn,” Glick said.

Issues of special importance to Brett include obtaining the necessary permission to begin and continue various construction projects on campus, as well as working with the Metropolitan Police to standardize their response to off-campus parties.

“They go through phases of reaction. At the beginning of last year, the police were extremely strict about breaking up parties, but then became very lax as the year went on,” he said, “at the end of the year, however, they became strict again, and many students were charged heavy fines. I believe they should establish a consistent message, and I’m meeting with the lieutenant next week.”

Although the upcoming presidential election and its absentee ballots are sure to occupy most students this November, Clements stresses the importance and relevance of the ANC in students’ daily life.

“For all students, especially those that are nationally apolitical, have a permanent residence in D.C., or don’t live in a swing state, this is a chance to improve daily life at Georgetown,” he said.

Voice Staff
The staff of The Georgetown Voice.

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