Number of weblogs in Farsi, out of the 655,631 weblogs catalogued by the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education BlogCensus.
Number of blogs in Icelandic, according to the NITLE BlogCensus
Number of Georgetown students named Chris registered on thefacebook.com
Number of friends of The Tombs on friendster.com
Number of posts per minute on LiveJournal.com
“Recently, I joined the blogging craze and have been having fun with it, blogging about low-carbing, nutrition, cooking, and related issues. I’d love to know of other low-carb bloggers to connect with.”
-Blogger Laura/Tortoise, inviting fellow bloggers to visit her site.
“Bloggers have no checks and balances … [It’s] a guy sitting in his pajamas in his living room.”
-Jonathan Klein, a former 60 Minutes executive discussing the CBS news story proven inaccurate by bloggers