
Pumping iron

By the

September 23, 2004

I took some time off from lifting, and I just tried to get back into the habit this week, but I did terribly. I felt very weak, and even my skinny friends were on my case. How can I get back to my old form fast?-Willis Tsai MSB ‘05

It’s always hard to start working out after some time off. You can’t expect to be at your best right away. It’s like schoolwork: There is no chance that you can produce mindless but quality information at the beginning of the school year like you can at finals time. In both cases, the easiest thing to do is jump right back into it and be consistent. It’s much easier to lose muscle than to gain it. My advice would be to return to your old routine lightly and try to work up to your usual intense workout in lifting three to four times a week. It may take time, but you will find that your overall health and general strength will come back. Then you can smack around your skinny friends like you used to.

I’m looking for a way to lose some pounds around my middle section. What are some exercises and low-fat food tips to lose some weight there?-Ivan Gray, Georgetown Human Resources

Daily exercise and proper nutrition can make anyone get into respectable shape, but the hardest thing to do is work on that midsection. I want to say do exercises that work your abs, but the title of my column does say “Run ‘til You’re Pretty” so I might have to stick with that. My friends and clients have found that running and riding the stationary bike can reduce and tone the muscles in the hardest parts of the body to get fit. You should try and do some abdominal work when you do go to the gym. One favorite is a workout with the rubber ball where you lay flat and do crunches while keeping your balance. There is also resistance training, machines that work the abs specifically and many more abdominal workouts including those using medicine balls. The other thing you can exercise is self control of your appetite. Surround yourself with good things like rich salads full of leafy greens and healthy snacks. Don’t live off Wisey’s, even if they put vegetables in the Chicken Madness. It’s going to stick to your midsection every time.

William Buckingham is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a personal trainer. He can be reached at

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