Understanding the campus, city and national rules and regulations that govern student behavior can be a daunting task.
To help students to better understand their rights and responsibilities at Georgetown, the FRIENDS Initiative, in partnership with Students for Georgetown Inc., has released its long-planned “Know Your Rights” pamphlet.
The 13-page brochure is available at all CORP stores, has been distributed throughout the first-year dorms and can be found at most newspaper kiosks. The pamphlet covers everything from the rights of Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service patients to how much a cab ride to the MCI Center should cost.
Most important for many students is a clear summary of the powers of both Department of Public Safety and Metropolitan Police Department in and around campus.
According to Nate Wright (CAS ‘06), a member of the FRIENDS leadership team, much of the information in the pamphlet is readily available to students.
“A lot of the stuff is kind of tricks that people don’t necessarily know about,” Wright said. “It’s a way to try and put the stuff we kind of know already and the stuff that we’re not really sure about, or resources where we can pick up more information, into one coherent thing.”
The project has been in the works for the last three years. Due to the number of organizations that contributed information for the booklet, it took a while to both compile and gain approval for a final version of the brochure.
Delays have also come in the wake of the recent changes to policies relating both to sexual assault and bias-related incidents.
CORP involvement has made the project financially viable, but an overlap in membership between the FRIENDS initiative and CORP leadership ensured that they were also integral in development of the brochure.
According to CORP CEO Christine Werner (MSB ‘05), CORP employees have been helping with distribution as well as organizing social events this week to coordinate with the release of the brochure.