
Iraq at center of student political debate

By the

October 7, 2004

The Georgetown College Republicans performed strongly Monday in a debate against the College Democrats over the safety of America in the wake of the Iraq war.

From the beginning, the College Democrats tried to make the debate an argument about President Bush’s policies, while Republicans defended America’s decision to go to war.

“The College Republicans won this debate,” Sara Dimmick (SFS ‘08) who attended, said. “The Democrats couldn’t focus on the topic and kept talking about John Kerry.”

The speakers veered off topic several times to support their party’s presidential candidate, or attack the other. Many trademark phrases of the national candidates were also in the speeches, such as Kerry’s “Hope is on the way” and Bush’s malapropism “pre-9/10 mentality.”

“Both sides weren’t as prepared as we could have been, but overall I think it went very well,” Brett Clements (CAS ‘07), Events Director for the College Democrats, said.

Voice Staff
The staff of The Georgetown Voice.

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