Number of popular votes Democratic candidate Al Gore received in the 2000 Presidential election.
Number of popular votes Republican candidate George W. Bush received.
Number of electoral college votes Gore received in 2000.
Number of electoral college votes received by Bush in 2000.
“Ann Coulter may be a travesty of humanity, as unacceptable a hank of flesh draped on a hanger ever to be foisted upon an ignorant populace hungry for more ignorance. Her racism, her character slurs, her whirlwind talent for rewriting history, her ability to leave a glossy coat of slime on any issue she discusses (when she licks a stamp, it curls up and dies), these are condemnable. But credit where credit is due. The skank can shift ass on a dime.”
–Vanity Fair writer James Wolcott, discussing conservative pundit Ann Coulter after two men attempted to hit her with pies.