Brett Clements (CAS ‘07) was elected to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission on Tuesday, replacing Mike Glick (CAS’ 05), who has represented Georgetown University campus residents to the committee for two years.
“It’s important that there be a strong student voice on the ANC,” Clements said. “The ANC is involved with many important issues, and helped to get officials to inspect townhouses after the fire. I’m very glad to have this opportunity.”
The ANC addresses local residents’ concerns and advises the city government on zoning and commercial licensing issues.
Clements ran unopposed in District 2E04, which includes Village A, Village C, New South, Alumni Square, the Southwest Quadrangle and residences between 36th and M Streets.
Clements lived in Georgetown over the summer to establish residency for the Tuesday ballot and has been going regularly to community meetings to develop working relationships with committee members, he said. “I really want to deal with issues that go beyond just voting.”
Other on-campus students will be represented by local residents. Students living in Darnall and Henle Village will be represented by John Lever in District 2E02. Harbin and Copley residents will be represented by William Skelsey in District 2E03. Bill Starrels will represent Nevils and LXR students in District 2E05. All ran unopposed.
Glick will serve as a commissioner until the end of the year, with Clements assuming the position in early January.
“Brett is a very sharp, bright and articulate young man, much like Mike is,” Tom Birch, the District 2E06 ANC commissioner said. “Mike had a great sense in judging the issues and representing the interests of the student community. I believe Brett will also be a good asset to the ANC.”
Clements won with 77 votes, while 2 write-in votes were cast against him.