Security on the streets outside the front gates has become a more pressing issue in light of a recent increase in reported crime in the Georgetown neighborhood. Lighting on the streets, or the lack thereof, has been a recurring complaint among reporting victims. The Advisory Neighborhood Commission in district 2E responded on Oct. 29 by unanimously approving a motion for new street lighting. We commend the ANC for taking a decisive step toward increased neighborhood safety.
The motion requests that the Street Light Division of the Department of Transportation places new lamp posts at 3409 and 3609 O St. and 3515 and 3609 N St. Proper lighting will ensure the safety of these streets that are used by students at all hours.
In passing the motion, which was originally tabled, the ANC showed flexibility and a concern for student safety.
The ANC’s motion is not a guarantee that the lights will be installed, since the project must first be approved by the city council. Since the city council is required by law to accord “great weight” to any ANC recommendation, lobbying by the ANC is crucial to administrative action in favor of student interests.
ANC Commissioner Michael Glick (CAS ‘05) said that although the city government has the final say, the ANC has strongly recommended they install the lights.
While this action may not produce immediate results, it is of the utmost importance that neighborhood organizations such as the ANC continue to assert student interests.
According to Glick, the main concern of many residents was that too many lights in one area would detract from aesthetic appeal. However, the increased safety provided by installing the lights far outweighs any aesthetic concerns.
The ANC motion is a testament to a renewed concern for student and public safety.? Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a trend of neighborhood and student cooperation.