
GUSA bylaws approved

By the

December 2, 2004

The Georgetown University Student Assembly passed a series of much-anticipated changes to campaign bylaws Tuesday night, bringing to a close a process that has lasted three Assembly meetings.

According to the new rules, GUSA candidates will face a longer campaign period and will no longer be able to post flyers. Fines for campaigns that violate the bylaws will be replaced by stricter penalties.

GUSA Director of Communications Andy Asensio (CAS ‘06) said that Assembly members were relieved to have finally passed the bylaws.

“The bylaw changes that were made will go a long way toward making sure we don’t have the kinds of problems we had in the past,” he said.

The bylaw changes come in response to last year’s contested election in which Kelley Hampton (SFS ‘05) and Luis Torres (CAS ‘05) were initially disqualified from the race after numerous campaign violations.

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