Dozens of students danced the night away last Friday at the fifth annual Hoyathon, a 24-hour dance marathon for charity held in Sellinger Lounge.
Each of the 62 dancers was asked to raise at least $100. In total, they raised $18,421.70 in donations, Sarah Sanders (SFS ‘05), a planning board member, said. In addition, sponsors including Chevy Chase Bank, the Students of Georgetown Incorporated and Marriott donated $16,015.92 worth of gifts in kind, such as food and prizes. This year’s event surpassed last year’s total by $7,000.
Hoyathon previously donated funds to the Georgetown Pediatric Mobile Unit and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This year’s proceeds will go to the Children’s National Medical Center.
Hoyathon dancers were treated to live performances by student bands, a capella groups and a Corp-sponsored karaoke hour.
“People looked pretty energetic about dancing till the break o’ freakin’ dawn,” Chaz Huber (NHS ‘05), lead singer for Midnite Roger, a band that played at Hoyathon, said.