
Short on flu vaccine

By the

October 27, 2005

With the influenza season fast approaching, the Student Health Center has announced the cancellation of several scheduled flu shot clinics.

According to the Center’s director, Dr. James Marsh, the problem is not a shortage of vaccine but delays in its distribution.

The SHC placed an order earlier this year with Chiron, the vaccine’s England-based manufacturer. But the shipment, still undergoing mandatory quality control, has yet to arrive.

Even then, however, the Center may still face difficulties. “The amount of the actual vaccine shipped was far less than anticipated,” Marsh said. “We made vigorous attempts to procure the vaccine from other manufacturers, but they were limiting the amount of vaccine customers could order.”

Despite these setbacks, the SHC still hopes to conduct walk-in clinics in November. The Center is currently offering vaccinations only to those at high risk, such as those with respirtory illnesses, until further supplies arrive.

“There is still plenty of time to be vaccinated and develop immunity prior to the most active time of influenza season,” Marsh said.

Student health services at George Washington University and the University of Maryland at College Park are in a similar situation with their supplies of flu vaccine, Marsh said.

Voice Staff
The staff of The Georgetown Voice.

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