What started out as a less-than-serious hypothetical posed over pizza pies after a long day of rehearsal last Saturday became, for Wade Tandy (COL ‘09), a goal that he’s well on his way to achieving.

photo by Sara Rafsky
“We were at a Sordid Lives rehearsal and … we were hungry and tired so we decided to order pizza from Manny and Olga’s … Our assistant stage manager, Carrie, saw the flier they put on the box. At the top of it they had ‘Buy 1,000 XL Pizzas and get 1,000 Free!’ … we thought it was funny … and I said ‘what if we actually did it?’” Tandy said.
He proceeded to start a Facebook.com group, “The Quest for 2,000 Pizzas,” the following Sunday morning. The group grew rapidly, and was 100 short of 1,000 members in just over one week. As of today the group boasts 931 members.
Yiammis F., owner of the D.C. chain of eight Manny and Olga’s said simply: “you buy 1,000, you get 1,000 free, that’s the deal … For delivery, one time, everything.” He also indicated that such a large order would not affect other business that night.
Initially Tandy thought of “having a huge party” with the 2,000 pizzas, but Tandy said that he would “go with what the group wants,” having started a discussion board on Facebook.com that asks for anyone’s opinion. Other suggestions have included giving half to charity, holding a school-wide eating contest and one lone “pizza dodgeball” idea.
“I think we should have a city-wide pizza party to bring together all the quadrants of the city. It will build fraternity and unity,” Beth Murdock (SFS ‘10) said.
Raughley Nuzzi (SFS ‘09) said that he joined because, “For one, I did think it was pretty hilarious that someone wanted to call Manny and Olga’s on it, and I would pay $10 to $12, whatever it costs, if I knew that my other pizza was going to a good cause.”
Tandy also noted the possibility of an online poll for everyone to decide how to use the pizzas.
In order to complete such a large-scale purchase, Tandy said, he would probably end up “tabling in Red Square,” giving precedence to the first 1,000 people who sign up. Distribution of the pizzas has yet to be determined, as the design for the pizzas is still up in the air.
An extra-large cheese pizza from Manny and Olga’s costs $10.99, each extra topping adding on $1.65.
Factor in tip, and each person will have to give about $12 or $13. Tandy guessed he would order cheese, pepperoni, sausage and “maybe veggie” pizzas.
Tandy does not yet have an exact date in mind for the purchase, although Manny’s did request a week’s notice.