1. Sparrow or Morgan (abbr.)
5. Practicer of Eastern religion
10. Attempt
14. Flu
15. Perpendicular to a keel
16. Zip
17. Uncool
18. Tiny
19. Spoken
20. Former Louvre entrance fee
22. Tournament success
24. Formerly Guinea’s currency
26. Take to court
27. Chicago’s hrs.
30. They get cut down in
32. Rice Krispie
37. __ __ mode
38. Utopian
40. Farm measure
41. Keepsake
43. Lottery winnings, maybe
44. Cobwebbed room
45. Computer company
46. Lean
48. The best (abbr.)
49. Workshop in space
52. Find in a dirty magazine
53. Some nouns (abbr.)
54. Tint
56. Dry
58. Bright
63. Plan
67. Tibetan teacher
68. Concur
70. Among
71. Always
72. Machinery’s noise
73. Pleasant
74. Cozy rooms
75. Rocklike
76. Crafts’ complement
1. Leg muscle
2. Seaweed substance
3. Shoe brand
4. Adolescents
5. Bothered
6. Computer giant
7. Tidy
8. Hills’ complement
9. German letter topper
10. Winter weather
11. Tropical root
12. Jewish month
13. Hesitate
21. Jaded person
23. Mediterranean par example
25. Things
27. Poker player’s need
28. Smooth
29. Add up
31. Boat movers
33. Consume
34. Something a child might do
35. Sound a bird might make
36. Religious groups
39. South American animal
42. Sick
44. Top level of a house
47. Flower shop
50. Put together
51. Rules for a group
55. Octet
57. Capital of Bangladesh
58. Ran away
59. Wash
60. Prophesy
61. Boat movers
62. Group of three
64. Arabic commander
65. Make money
66. Totals
69. European sea bird