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Day: March 3, 2011


SAC makes changes, but more are needed

This past Monday the Student Activities Commission passed a constitutional amendment allowing it to amend funding guidelines partway through the semester. This change and another reform meant to improve the appeals process were in response to vocal discontent with SAC’s new funding process. But this was a small step, and true reform will require SAC to scrap its new programming arc approach, while increasing its transparency and feedback to clubs.


Under pressure from clubs, SAC adopts changes

The Student Activities Commission voted Monday on a package of resolutions and changes to its constitution, several of which came in response to widespread criticism of the new funding guidelines.


On the record: GUSA president and vice-president

On Monday, Georgetown University Student Association executives Mike Meaney (SFS ‘12) and Greg Laverriere (COL ‘12) sat down for separate interviews with the Voice to talk about their upcoming term. Interviews conducted and transcribed by Matt Kerwin.


Support bill to make birth control more accessible

Georgetown students may complain about the inability to buy any form of birth control on campus, but for some D.C. residents contraceptive medicine is even less accessible. However, a bill before the D.C. City Council would enable women to obtain the pill directly from a pharmacist. The D.C. Council should pass the bill, ensuring that as many of the District’s women as possible are able to take control of their reproductive health.


Gray’s patronage, spending, raises questions

Vincent Gray swept into the D.C. mayor’s office partly on his promise to weed out corruption and restore legitimacy to the city’s government. Two months into his term, Gray has failed to uphold that promise. The unscrupulous behavior of his administration may not be criminal, but it has seriously eroded what little trust D.C. residents still have in their government. Gray needs to clean up his image.


Saxa Politica: Back to the GUSA future

Georgetown University Student Association presidents only occupy their post for one or two years, making it difficult for them to leave a mark on student life or deliver on optimistic campaign promises. The incoming GUSA executive, Mike Meaney (SFS ’12) and Greg Laverriere (COL ’12), would do well to heed the words of their predecessors—eschew flashy plans for those that will leave positive impacts.