
News Hit: Marijuana amendment passes

January 23, 2014

The Marijuana Possession Decriminalization Amendment Act of 2014, which proposes an amendment to Councilmember Tommy Wells’ (D-Ward 6) bill to decriminalize marijuana within the district, unanimously passed the judiciary committee Jan. 15. Georgetown’s policies on marijuana usage will nevertheless not change, which include suspension and expulsion.

A step towards full decriminalization, the amendment reduces the fine for the civil violation from $100 to $25 for those 18 and older found possessing up to an ounce of marijuana, although those caught smoking in public will have to pay the original fine. Sale of the drug remains a criminal penalty under the amendment.

However, Georgetown University’s current penalties for the possession, transfer, or consumption of marijuana will remain unchanged. “For now, Georgetown will continue its policies on drug use and possession,” wrote Patrick Kilcarr, director at the Center for Personal Development, in an email to the Voice.

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