
Ryan-Mulledy dorms in design stage

January 30, 2014


The D.C. Zoning Commission approved the University’s request to utilize the former Jesuit residences Ryan and Mulledy Halls for “residential/campus life/athletic” uses on Jan. 13. The University will renovate the buildings to fulfill the requirements of the 2010 Campus Plan. Last Friday, representatives from the Ryan-Mulledy Design Committee and the Georgetown University Student Association toured the buildings, which have been abandoned since 2003.

Committee members were particularly interested in the potential uses of the Jesuit dining room and a sunroom with a patio, which provides views of Rosslyn, downtown, and main campus, as student spaces.

“I think not only does the building help … [meet] the campus plan requirements, it also opens up the potential for incredible new student space that has real historical value,” said Jack Appelbaum (COL ’14), GUSA director of student space.

The design committee has yet to estimate how many beds the halls will provide. “I think that will depend on the feedback from the students as to what they want to see [and] what will be feasible,” said Mary Petrone (COL ‘15), a residential assistant representative on the committee.

The design committee, formed late last semester, comprises students, faculty, Jesuit priests, and planning and facilities staff. The collaborative model is similar to the New South Student Center design process.

The University selected the architecture firm Ayers Saint Gross as the architects for the renovation. According to Director of Media Relations Rachel Pugh, this choice was “based on [ASG’s] experience with similar projects [on residential campuses] … [and] their understanding of the unique history of these buildings and the challenges they may present.”

Manhattan Construction Company, which worked on Dahlgren Chapel’s renovations, will be responsible for construction works.

The halls are anticipated to open in fall 2015. The University plans to hold student engagement sessions in March and April on “interior designs and programming in Ryan and Mulledy,” according to Pugh.

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