
Lecture series proposed

February 13, 2014

The Intellectual Life Committee of the GUSA Senate has proposed a series of lectures by professors in order to expose students to subjects and classes which may interest them.

Proposed by Senator Angela Bai (COL ‘17), a member of the intellectual life committee, the lecture series would feature lectures by professors who teach upper-level courses or courses with large waitlists to allow students to preview these courses.

According to Bai, the idea was a response to the lack of a course selection period during which students could sample classes before enrolling in them at the beginning of each semester.

“I was really frustrated about not being able to select your classes before you pre-register, so I thought this would be helpful,” Bai said.

The Intellectual Life Committee is working with the Lecture Fund to develop the idea.

“I had an overwhelming response [when I proposed this to Lecture Fund board],” said Chris Mulrooney (COL ‘14), president of the Lecture Fund. “I think there’s a lot of student momentum behind this particular initiative … Our objective right now is to make sure we have a dedicated team on this project.”

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