
Dignity for GUSA and Georgetown: Vote Chris and Meredith

February 12, 2015

It is no secret that GUSA does not have a good reputation on campus. It is known for elitism, a lack of transparency, and being distant from Georgetown’s student community. Most Hoyas look down upon GUSA because they feel GUSA pretentiously looks down upon them. But this reality does not have to endure for much longer. Meredith and I are passionately committed to transforming the nature of GUSA by refashioning it into a student-focused, transparent, and inclusive organization dedicated to making practical differences in the lives of Georgetown students.

Unlike any other GUSA ticket this year, Meredith and I met with eleven of Georgetown’s leading administrators (including Dr. Todd Olson, Vice President for Student Affairs and Rosemary Kilkenny, Vice President for Institutional Diversity and equity) in order to compose a platform of achievable and pragmatic initiatives we believe are in the best interests of the student body. Further, in addition to meeting with eleven administrators each for approximately an hour, we also enlisted the thoughts and wisdom of Georgetown’s many student leaders so that we may stay intimately true to our grassroots, all-inclusive approach.

Traditionally, GUSA tickets create 50-page platforms full of unrealistic promises that sound good to the ear, but lack the down-to-earth and authentic nature to actually be implemented. Meredith and I understand this, and as a result, composed a platform of three pillars with six points underneath each. In total, 18 accomplishable points comprise our platform, which can be read in a quick three minutes. The succinct yet potent nature of our platform, in addition to our commitment hearing the advice of our fellow students, testifies to the transparent and honorable nature of our campaign and vision for the student body. For we don’t want students to simply vote for our names, but for our faces, hearts, and character as well.

Moreover, Meredith and I are keenly aware of my decision to run for student body president despite having no GUSA experience. We view my lack of GUSA experience, and hence, lack of exposure to the elitist, inwardly-focused forces that surround GUSA as one of our greatest strengths. It will take a fresh mind with tremendous experience in aspects of the community that students care most about (like cultural groups, funding boards, diversity training, etc.) to refashion GUSA as an institution for others.

In this regard, as in numerous others, Meredith and I stand far above all other tickets running for the GUSA executive. For too long, GUSA has failed Georgetown students by prioritizing resume building over meaning making in the lives of Hoyas. Meredith and I understand this. In fact, this understanding is the very motivation behind our decision to run together in the first place. True leadership is and will always be people-focused. Yet for too long, GUSA has perverted this ideal to its own ends at the expense of countless Hoyas. Meredith and I do not dream of becoming career politicians. Rather, my dream is to become a theology professor here on the Hilltop, where I’ll dedicate much of my life to impacting future Hoyas. If I lose this election, I’ll simply go back to my manifold other involvements on campus. But if Meredith and I win this election, GUSA will never again stand aloof from Georgetown students—through making practical differences and a people-focused approach, it will become, in the hearts of Hoyas both now and in the future, a GUSA with Dignity.


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