
The Phone Booth: The Maui Invitational

November 29, 2016

On this episode of The Phone Booth, host Tyler Pearre is joined by Nick Gavio and Jorge DeNeve to discuss the tumultuous Maui Invitational in which the men’s team demonstrated flashes of brilliance, but also slipped into the nightmares of last season. The crew also looks forward to the coming weeks and debates what to expect from the team moving forward. Also featured, a review of the women’s season thus far.

Jorge DeNeve
Los Angeles native. Still wondering where the Galaxy went wrong and decided buying Jermaine Jones was a good idea.

Nick Gavio
Nick is the Voice's former editorial board chair. Follow him on Twitter at @nickgavio, where he primarily retweets cute puppy videos.

Tyler Pearre
Maryland native and D.C. sports fan. Forever romanticizing the days of Antawn Jamison and Gilbert Arenas circa 2007.

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