
The Vault: Offseason Review

October 30, 2017

With the change in the name of Georgetown’s home venue from the Verizon Center to the Capital One Arena, your favorite Georgetown hoops podcast also needed a new name. Ladies and gentlemen, we bring you the Vault.

In the first episode of the newly-named Voice podcast dedicated solely to Georgetown basketball, Tyler Pearre, Nick Gavio, and Santul Nerkar discuss the Hoyas’ active offseason, scheduling, new players, and the Big East.

Tyler Pearre
Maryland native and D.C. sports fan. Forever romanticizing the days of Antawn Jamison and Gilbert Arenas circa 2007.

Nick Gavio
Nick is the Voice's former editorial board chair. Follow him on Twitter at @nickgavio, where he primarily retweets cute puppy videos.

Santul Nerkar
Santul is the Voice's former executive culture editor and Halftime Sports editor. Follow him on Twitter @SantulN to become one of his rare few followers.

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