Voice 55

Voice alumni, Georgetown faculty, and friends,

We’re celebrating the Voice’s belated 55th anniversary on Saturday, April 5, 2025. Many things about the Voice have changed in the 56 years and 22 days since its first publication (yes, we know), but not what’s important. Our mission is still to inform and uplift our readers and to never defer to those in power, which is critically important in our world right now. And that’s worth celebrating.

If you’re still in touch with other Voice alums, please forward this invite to them, and bring anyone you’d like. Also, subscribe to our alumni newsletter if you haven’t already.

If you can’t make it, send me a note at editor@georgetownvoice.com. I’d love to hear from you.

Here’s to another 55 (copy, screaming at me: 56) years. Thanks for reading, and for all that you do to support us,


Editor-in-Chief, Spring 2025

A smiling cake sitting on top of Voice print magazines. Beside it is text that reads: Celebrating more than 55 years of journalism for our community / Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 8 p.m. / georgetownvoice.com/55

RSVP by emailing alumni@georgetownvoice.com, and buy a ticket to the Voice 55 reception for $35 here.


Voice 55 Schedule

12–2 p.m. Bagel Brunch with Voice editors in the office (Leavey 424)! Enjoy Call Your Mother bagels, sign the wall of our office, answer our questions about Voice lore, and visit the Voice’s former Leavey office spaces. You can drop in anytime!

3:30–5 p.m. 57 Volumes of the Voice exhibition in Booth Family Center for Special Collections in Lauinger Library. Peruse every issue of the Voice (ever) with us. Note: You need a government-issued ID to enter Lau.

8–10 p.m. Reception: Celebrating over 55 years of journalism for our community. Hilltop Taproom, Healey Family Student Center, Georgetown University main campus. Tickets are $35, and include food and an open bar (beer, wine, and rail drinks only—though you can pay out of pocket for anything else you’d like!). Buy tickets here.

If you have any questions, dietary restrictions, or accessibility requests, please reach out to alumni@georgetownvoice.com

P.S. We’re organizing a 5 p.m. basketball game against The Hoya—we will add it to the schedule when it’s confirmed!


Georgetown University offers a free shuttle connecting main campus with the law Campus, Rosslyn metro station, Dupont Circle, and other locations throughout the District. For the map of routes and timetables, click here


The best option for parking near the reception in Hilltop Tap Room is the Southwest Quad garage. Note Georgetown’s current visitor parking rates here.


Reception details

Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 8–10 p.m. eastern

Hilltop Taproom, Healey Family Student Center, Georgetown University

3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057

Tickets are $35 each, and include:

  • Light food: Taco and nacho bar, mozzarella sticks, salad, desserts
  • Two-hour open bar with beer (excludes Guinness), wine, and rail drinks—though you can pay out of pocket for anything else you’d like!
  • Great people

The event may go past 10 p.m., but that’s when the open bar ends, so arrive on time. You’re welcome to bring anyone you’d like—just buy a ticket for them!

If you have any questions, dietary restrictions, or accessibility requests, please reach out to alumni@georgetownvoice.com.