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Reinventing mayorhood – The new reign of Los Angeles Major Antonio Villaraigosa

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


I once was blind

Everyone has their stock stories, the ones they can tell at awkward social moments. Most involve extreme situations or life-changing moments; mine involves neither.


The mother of dilemmas

Choosing between career and family, but never education


Period pieces

Eat My Skort – a biweekly column about fashion


Silver Jews, Tanglewood Numbers

In one of the most highly anticipated indie rock releases of the year, Silver Jews frontman and brilliant lyricist David Berman has reunited with guitarist Stephen Malkmus of Pavement and a dozen or so other musicians to craft a classic comeback album.


Animal Collective, Feels

When a band’s members dress up as animals and adopt aliases like Panda Bear, terms like “pop” and “accessible” become relative at best and useless at worst.


O Street Special

Walking into the basement of 2020 O St. is like walking into a nightmare, making for an unintentionally terrifying experience for the Halloween season.


Vinyasa with Mick Jagger and Ad-Rock

How could I not be intrigued by such a combination of my three great loves: sweat, contortionism and rock?


Doing Nothing, and doing it well

Mask and Bauble’s production of Much Ado About Nothing dabbles in deception that is both playful and malicious.


Evans checks out

City on a Hill – bi-weekly column on D.C. news & politics


Earthquake relief

The Earthquake Relief Coalition kicked off a campaign Tuesday night to raise funds for the victims of the earthquake that rocked South and Central Asia on Saturday.


Wormley School to be developed

Just as it celebrates its 125th birthday, the Wormley School is poised for a major facelift.


Gas Leak

Georgetown students evacuated White Gravenor yesterday as the scent of natural gas permeated the air more than 100 feet away from the building.


Defender of American Catholics dies at 74

Monika Hellwig, a former Georgetown professor and a renowned and controversial theologian, died suddenly on Sept. 30.


Georgetown buildings must make history

White Gravenor will receive new windows this fall-if the Old Georgetown Board decides that the replacements are suitably historical.


Power out at GU

Teachers, students left in the dark


DeGioia takes a trip to Qatar

GU president makes inaugural visit to SFS Doha campus


Birthday surprise

Carrying On – a rotating column by senior voice staffers


Saving at Georgetown

This semester, I began working at one of the student-run coffee shops on campus and was appalled to see that my shop doesn’t recycle. At all.


Chauvinism: the new feminism

Defending old time charm in the modern age


Palestine speaks: do we hear?

Pictures tell a story seldom heard


District Glassmasters

The Funny Third


Georgetown and bioethics

Last week, Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, a Georgetown professor emeritus of medicine and medical ethics, began his tenure as chair of the President’s Council on Bioethics.


Hand-in-hand with the ANC

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission came through for Georgetown in a big way last week when it approved plans to build a multisport complex and new business school building in the middle of campus.


Sailing Into Prominence

Georgetown sailing aims “as one” at a National Championship