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The Tombs gets a facelift

After 20 years of fending off the Washington humidity, the Tombs needed a new air conditioner.


Meal plans made mandatory for sophomores

Sophomores, if you thought your days at Leo’s were over, think again.


The ballpark gets a builder

Clark Construction contracted to build Nationals’ home


GERMS’ ailing ambulances

Medical services in talks with University for new unit


The Sports Sermon

What are the differences between Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong?


Disney on ice

Hittin’ the back nine – A weekly take on sports


Vernon Macklin punches ticket

Heading into the off-season, Georgetown basketball looked stronger than it had been in some time.


Women’s volleyball digs deep for season-opening win

The Georgetown women’s volleyball team opened up the season last Saturday with an important 3-2 win over George Mason.


Hoyas start off on the right foot

Last year’s women’s soccer squad succeeded by cultivating a set identity and definitive leadership.


Baked trees

You Taste Like A Burger – a rotating column about eating leisurely


Jean Genies

The key to China’s booming economic growth has been the creation of several free trade zones where industry, and particularly clothing manufacturing, can take root.


O Show brings first years drama, screaming

First years either greatly enjoyed or were greatly put off by this year’s O Show, the joint theater production by all of the on-campus theater groups for New Student Orientation.


Irving Penn imprints the National Gallery

Photography resonates with a larger audience than any other modern artistic medium.


My summer in photos

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior


Taking it slow

“Did you come?”


Baby got ballroom

Ballroom dancing’s increasing popularity highlights original worth


Nothing’s the matter with Kansas

Defending the people of the Midwest from undeserved insults


Burleith and Beyond

The Voice reviews the best of what Burleith and Glover Park have to offer


A healthier immigration debate

In recent months, the national debate on illegal immigration has reached a level of intensity that has lead some pundits to predict the issue will rival gay marriage or abortion in sheer controversy.


A truly smart hire

In mid-June, Georgetown University hired Bernard Muir to fill the position of Athletic Director, and though students may have glossed over the news, the hire represents a changing of the guard for Georgetown Athletics.


Force feeding sophomores

Starting this year, both first years and sophomores will be required to purchase a meal plan for at least 10 meals per week at Georgetown’s single dining hall.


Art In Motion

Those passing by don’t give it a second look. It is unmarked but for four thin, silver numbers next to its light green door: 1515.


Abnormal psych

Anybody who teaches Abnormal Psychology will tell you that students taking the course often suspect they suffer from the disorders they study.


Panda born in National Zoo

On July 9, 2005, a baby panda cub took Washington’s National Zoo by storm.

Although zookeepers chose not to approach the male cub for weighing or measurement for several weeks, press outlets estimated the white, hairless cub at about the size of a stick of butter.


Eat faster & finer at GU

New dining options for the Georgetown campus are on the way, offering students greater variety and a taste of fast food.