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The war on sharing

VOICES BY DAVE STROUP This Tuesday signified a landmark victory for copyright integrity and intellectual property security worldwide. The Recording Industry Association of America settled with Brianna LaHara, a resident of a Manhattan housing project. Like many who fall between the cracks of society and turn to crime, LaHara led a double life. By day, she attended middle school and was on the honor roll. By night, she was one of the nation’s most wanted music pirates.


Football loses opening-day nailbiter

SPORTS BY GEORGE TARNOW The Georgetown Hoyas, and most of the 2,406 fans in attendance, were looking for revenge when they met the Colgate Raiders this past Saturday in the season opener on Harbin Field. Revenge was in the cards until the Raider struck with six seconds left in the game, and stole a victory, 20-19.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

Happy Birthday, Judy!

I don’t get many things right the first time In fact, I’m told that a lot

What the f.

Does 27 off-suit make you sick? Have you seen the movie Rounders over 20 times? E-mail if you’re down.

Godspeed the U.S.


A boathouse at last?

COVER BY MIKE DeBONIS For decades, Georgetown crew has been dreaming of a grand new home. That dream may soon be realized, but not without one more battle.


Hybrid Restaurants

As Georgetown students, we all know how to multitask. Whether we use Palm Pilots or Post-Its, read history reading in theology or talk to our parents as we walk to a party on O Street, doing just one thing at once is never enough. Most of us have even ventured into the world of multitasking while eating and drinking, planning group meetings at Darnall or breakup conversations over coffee.


Who is Harvey Pekar?

Although comics may be the oldest narrative medium, comic creators are still marginalized as creators of a preadolescent art form. In the 1960s, R. Crumb, founder of the underground comic book movement, helped change that impression by introducing over-the-top sexual perversion into comics, revolutionizing them for an adult audience while managing to stay within the familiar framework of larger-than-life archetypal characters and animals.


Anne Frank, revisited

“I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death, I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness … yet if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right.” These words, written by Anne Frank in her last diary entry, reveal the mind of a girl coming to terms with her extraordinary predicament.


40 years from Lincoln’s steps

Although classes had begun only a day earlier, Georgetown students eager to celebrate Thursday’s 40th anniversary commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, formed a line that quickly wound around the Village C staircase.

Buses that could hold only 25 people came and went on 15-minute intervals, frustrating the growing crowd of students.


Good twin/bad twin

LEISURE BY JULIA COOKE What do pink-collared blouses turned into straightjackets and cheerleading uniforms doused in blood have in common? In Paula Vogel’s The Mineola Twins, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company’s newest production, both are integral components of each sister’s personal hell.


DC on Speed

Big Brother is watching you, but not in the way you might expect. It isn’t through John Ashcroft’s hidden cameras in smoke detectors, but rather through a system established to monitor traffic. And this time big brother doesn’t want you to obey-he wants you to pay.


$1.2 million grant awarded to GU

Georgetown University’s Community Research and Learning Network (CoRAL) received a $1.2 million dollar grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service Wednesday. According to Kathleen Maas Weigert, the Director for the Center for Social Justice, Research, Teaching and Service, the grant money will allow for new full-time staff positions and for new paid student positions.


New web site launches today

Georgetown is expected to launch a new website today that will consolidate the health and safety resources available to Georgetown students onto one easy-to-use website. The site,, contain contact and location information for University health, counseling and wellness services, and will include general information about issues that affect students, ranging from alcohol abuse and sexually transmitted infections to acne and homesickness.


Student hit by Mercedes SLK

A vehicle hit transfer student Theo Novak (CAS ‘05) while he crossed 35th Street late Sunday night. Novak, who lives near the intersection of 35th and O Streets, was walking across 35th Street with a group of about four other students night when a woman driving a white Mercedes SLK ran the stop sign and struck him in the left knee.


Weekend worries administrators

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON Maybe it was the nice weather over the three-day weekend, or maybe it was just the back-to-school excitement. But whatever it was, Georgetown students partied hard last weekend, according to members of the Student Neighborhood Assistance Program (SNAP).


Campus lockdown policy will end

NEWS BY ROB ANDERSON In an effort to better “balance the need for safety with the interest of fostering community,” Georgetown will relax its residence hall access policies starting Sept. 12, according to a campus wide e-mail sent yesterday by Senior Vice President Spiros Dimolitsas and Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson.



I recently took a road trip to Veterans Stadium with a few Boston fans to catch the Red Sox-Phillies game. During the rainy roller coaster of a 13-9 game, my friends couldn’t help noticing something. As my Fenway-friendly fan put it, “man, these Philly fans really know how to boo!”

Throughout the game we listened to between 15 and 20 booings.


The Sports Sermon

Baseball fans, are you foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the end to this National League Wild Card ridiculousness? Fantasy football owners, have you picked up Olandis Gary and noticed how nasty the Buffalo Bills defense is becoming? Madden 2004 junkies, have you mastered the playmaker yet? Detroit Tigers fans, are you embarrased that your manager pulled Jeremy Bonderman from the starting rotation only two losses from a 20-loss season? Don’t worry Tigers fans, Mike Maroth is 6-19 and still in the rotation.


A weekend to forget

Women’s Volleyball (1-2)

The Hoyas finished a disappointing 1-2 this past weekend at the Brion’s Grille/Doubletree Patriot Invitational at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. The homecourt advantage helped the George Mason Patriots, as they hit .347 for the match and handed Georgetown a 3-0 loss (30-19, 30-24, 30-26).


Field hockey starts season with a split

The first weekend of action is over for the Georgetown women’s field hockey team, and despite splitting a two-game series versus Longwood University and St. Joseph’s, the Hoyas showed enough offensive firepower to give them plenty of optimism for the rest of the season.


Hoyas take rival American in D.C. Cup

SPORTS BY CACILDA TEIXEIRA The Georgetown men’s soccer team took the D.C. College Cup for the first time in its three year existence, tying the American University Eagles 1-1 in a double overtime. The Hoyas won the tournament title on goal differential, 5-4.


Performing better

This summer, Georgetown launched the “Program in the Performing Arts,” a merger of the academic and co-curricular elements of the University performing arts community. It has already resulted in “new energy in the whole program” according to Ron Lignelli, Director of the Program in Performing Arts.


Health site a strong resource

Today, Georgetown will launch a new website,, which consolidates all University health resources into one website for students. Collectively called the “Safety Net,” these resources address physical and mental health issues ranging from travel medicine to tips for boosting your immunity.


A badly needed facility

Georgetown University is in the process of becoming a very different place. The recently completed Southwest Quadrangle is only one part of a larger University expansion plan, one which will eventually give the campus such badly needed facilities as a performing arts center and an on-campus basketball arena.


More trite senior nostalgia

VOICES by IAN BOURLAND The rhetoric of official university statements, student-group campaigns and mass e-mails has always tended to ring hollow for me, as my eyes glide uncomprehending past assurances of the strength of our traditions and bonds as an intellectual and interpersonal community.


Style versus substance

You’re a little hungry. What’s the first thing you think of? New South, but that was last year. This year’s first-years will never have to experience our spectacular old dining hall with its one-way-in, one-way-out door, long lines and dirty, sticky floors.