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A badly needed facility

Georgetown University is in the process of becoming a very different place. The recently completed Southwest Quadrangle is only one part of a larger University expansion plan, one which will eventually give the campus such badly needed facilities as a performing arts center and an on-campus basketball arena.


More trite senior nostalgia

VOICES by IAN BOURLAND The rhetoric of official university statements, student-group campaigns and mass e-mails has always tended to ring hollow for me, as my eyes glide uncomprehending past assurances of the strength of our traditions and bonds as an intellectual and interpersonal community.


Style versus substance

You’re a little hungry. What’s the first thing you think of? New South, but that was last year. This year’s first-years will never have to experience our spectacular old dining hall with its one-way-in, one-way-out door, long lines and dirty, sticky floors.


Celebrating the return of irony

After Sept. 11 2001, one pundit claimed that the stark presentation of good (courageous firefighters) versus evil (you know who), and its rude reminder of that seemingly forgotten but rather grave matter of “life and death”, brought to America “the end of the age of irony.


Gone and forgotten

Jon Sarasuak kontatzen dizkio Andoni Egan?ari Ixil-en artean bizitako batzuk Zozoak Beleari liburuan. In all likelihood, you do not recognize this language. If you do, you are one of twelve speakers of Itz? left in the world today. The Guatemalan language of Itz? is one of four hundred and seventeen languages classified as nearly extinct.


A Guide to Your New Administrators

COVER COMPILED BY VOICE STAFF There’s lots of new faces on campus this year, and it’s not just the first-years. Check out our guide and spot your administrators in their natural habitat.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

Four cities, four bases… coincidence?

I don’t want to live at the whim of my tooth.

Bes-It was great to see you. It was really the only thing to do at that point. Keep in touch.

Kak-You better call on Wednesday nights. What will I do without the standing offer for the tracheotomy?

Shoop-a-doop with the stroup-a-doop.


Bye Wesley

If you’re like most people, you arrived at college and spent your first five minutes of high-bandwidth-induced euphoria downloading important-sounding music you had always meant to learn to appreciate, like Bob Marley’s Legend. Then your music-stealing tastes turned to novelty songs, and you spent the rest of freshman year clogging the network by downloading such tracks as King Missle’s “Detachable Penis.


Urban underbelly

by Tali Trigg

Imagine traveling around the world trying to find the ugliest possible places. Then imagine trying to simultaneously convey the ironic beauty and underlying destruction of these places. Edward Burtynsky, a Toronto photographer, has managed to do both by expertly locating and portraying sites that bear terrible witness to man’s excess of industrial waste.


Summer leftovers

While many Georgetown students doubtlessly spent this summer backpacking through barren stretches of Central Asia and others kept busy idling by pools in The Gambia with boarding school friends, others (like myself) spent the bulk of the summer doing mind-numbing office work in the District.


Better than nothing

You’re excited to be back on campus. You’re looking to get out, and you hear about a cheap, on-campus show of a band that you vaguely remember. What was the name of that song? “Good.” And the band name? Better than Ezra. Unfortunately, neither “good,” “better,” or “best” is an appropriate adjective for the NSO show this past Sunday in McDonough Gymnasium.


Queue and not you

LEISURE BY SONIA SMITH The day before Q and Not U was supposed to embark on their spring tour of the United States, drummer John Davis broke his foot while playing street hockey. While the timing of this break was certainly unfortunate-all the spring shows had to be cancelled to give Davis’ foot time to heal-Davis managed to find something positive about the situation.


Students robbed in Burleith

An armed assailant robbed two Georgetown students of their purses this week. At approximately 11:45 p.m. Tuesday night, the two students were approached by an armed suspect while they walked down the 3300 block of “O” Street, N.W. The suspect demanded their purses and they turned them over.


GU honors King’s legacy

Georgetown is sponsoring an event this evening to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Civil rights activist Ossie Davis will speak at the Kennedy Center, followed by a performance by the Georgetown Gospel Choir.


Changes to alcohol policy considered

NEWS BY SHANTHI MANIAN Students and faculty of the FRIENDS initiative submitted a proposal to Interim Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson this week that would drastically change Georgetown’s alcohol policy. The document includes recommendations to eliminate Georgetown’s “dry dorm” policy, party registration and “beer gardens” which physically separate drinkers from non-drinkers at on-campus parties.


Alumnus dies in UN explosion

Rick Hooper (MAAS ‘90) died Aug. 19, 2003 in the bombing of the United Nations offices in Baghdad. Hooper, 40, was working as assistant to the head of the U.N.’s special envoy, Kieran Prendergast. Temporarily replacing an assistant envoy, Hooper was planning on staying in Baghdad for only two weeks before continuing on to Palestine.


Dieringer prepares to face her fears

The Georgetown student who allegedly sexually assaulted Kate Dieringer (NHS ‘05) last year is back on campus this year.” People keep telling me I won’t run into him on campus, but I’m sure I’ll see him all of the time-in Leavey, in the library, in the cafeteria, in Booey’s, in Wisey’s,” said Dieringer.


GU as 7-Eleven?

If you’ve read this week’s cover story about the bevy of new administrators this year, one thought may well have struck you square: When did our top-tier national research university turn into a 7-Eleven? Perhaps that’s an exaggeration: the new Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall may have Starbucks coffee with boutique flavored syrups, but there are no blue raspberry Slurpees yet.


The Sports Sermon

Lazy? Underachieving? Looking to lead the easy, dissolute life among peers of similarly lax worldviews? Are you a major league baseball team? Then do I have the perfect destination for you-the Centrals.

That’s right, folks. If you aren’t into the whole “playing to win” thing, check the central divisions of your respective leagues.


Cycling enthusiasts get their fix with Tour

Every July, the media covers the oft-neglected sport of cycling. American excitement about the Tour de France has risen steadily as Lance Armstrong comes closer and closer to becoming the greatest cyclist of all time. Casual fans enjoy sporadic articles about the “drive for five,” Lance and the United States Postal team’s push for five consecutive tour victories.


Lukezic gears up for cross country season

SPORTS BY JONATHAN BROMMA After a season that included a second consecutive Men’s Junior National title in the 1500 meters and an All-American performance in the same event at the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, Chris Lukezic returns to the hilltop recharged and enthusiastic about a year that holds great promise for both him and his track teammates.


Team opens season with D.C. College Cup

The Georgetown men’s soccer team returns this season a year older and a year wiser.

“The year of experience that we got last year was vital,” said Senior defender and co-captain Carl Skanderup.

When it comes to experience, Skanderup is somewhat alone with only keeper Tim O’Hagan and midfielder David Eder returning for their senior season.


Women’s Soccer looks to NCAA tournament

After a season in which the Georgetown women’s soccer team posted the highest winning percentage in team history and narrowly missed a berth in the NCAA tournament, expectations are higher than ever as the possibility of a first-ever national tournament spot looms large.


Punish me

I used to get in trouble in sixth grade. All of the time. Unfortunately, I didn’t get an interesting reputation for it. I wasn’t the class clown, or one of the girls who got caught trying to sneak a bottle of cooking wine into the Halloween dance, or even the kid that nobody really paid attention to until they were stuck doing a group project with him and he promptly blew off doing his part.


I pus Saxa Gray

VOICES BY SCOTT MATTHEWS People still don’t believe you when you tell them you go to Georgetown? Maybe it’s the overalls and debilitating overbite, you hick. But anyway, the following list is a steady stream of nourishing conformity that new Hoya pups thirsty for acceptance can suckle (literally) straight from the teat of wisdom that is me.