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My 20 Years with the Voice

All good things must come to an end. Today, The Georgetown Voice publishes my byline for the last time. My first byline ran when I was a first-year, in the fall of 1983. Or was it 1982? No, it had to be 1983 because the theme for my senior prom was “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” and I don’t think Culture Club was too popular in the spring of 1982.


Not Nirvana, just clarity

I cried the day that Kurt Cobain died. That night, nine Aprils ago, friends and I lit candles and listened to “Pennyroyal Tea” as a meaningful, if juvenile tribute. I cried the next year too, playing my guitar as my mother consoled me, even though she had until that spring disdained Nirvana and their lyrical content-unsettling material for an impressionable nine-year-old, I understand.


Deadbeat district

OK, this is it. I’m finally going to call up Mayor Anthony Williams and thank him for making my job as a District affairs news columnist so damn easy. Just when I think the District’s government has hit rock bottom, it takes that extra step to prove me wrong.


GU Pride raises LGBTQ awareness

GU Pride has declared this week Pride Week in an effort to raise awareness of issues faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students and faculty.

GU Pride co-president Jamaal Young (SFS ‘03) says the organization is aiming to attract a large and diverse group of participants by planning a range of activities throughout the week.


Embedded in the GU Peace Camp

It’s 9:00 am on a Tuesday, and a light flow of people stream through Red Square. Some walk by with eyes focused ahead, but most glance over to the now-familiar group of tents pitched on the side of White-Gravenor. The majority of interested passers-by look past the protest signs to make eye contact with one of the activists inside the camp.


Weekly farmer’s market poised to arrive at Georgetown location

Georgetown students and neighborhood residents will soon be able to purchase fresh produce within walking distance of their homes. Last week, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission unanimously approved a request for a farmer’s market to be held in Georgetown.


The Sports Sermon

Let’s play Around the Horn, except without ESPN’s Max Kellerman, who looks like a 15-year-old straight out of juvey. And we’ll also do without the marginal sportswriters from arbitrarily selected newspapers. (“Random dude from Milwaukee Journal Sentinal: What do you think about Kobe? What? Sorry, YOU’RE MUTED!!!”) Wow, that show sucks.


GUSA passes sex assault resolution unanimously

The GUSA Assembly unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday calling for drastic reform to Georgetown’s disciplinary disclosure policy and sexual assault categorization. The resolution was proposed by Luis Torres (CAS ‘05) and Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault (AFIRMS).


Poker Playa

“Listen, here’s the thing.? If you can’t spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, you are the sucker.”

Poker, a game that separates the men from the boys. I got hooked on it sophomore year at Georgetown. With my regular crew of six or seven friends, we all matured as players during those weekly six- to 10-hour marathon sessions in Village B.


Both sides of abortion debate demonstrate

A light rain fell on Copley Lawn Wednesday morning, forming puddles around thousands of pink and blue flags protruding from the sodden ground.

GU Right to Life put up the 3,598 flags to symbolize the number of abortions performed each day in the United States, citing the Alan Guttmacher Institute as the source for its figures.


Hoyas don’t fear the turtle, win 8-4

The Georgetown baseball team left a cold and rainy Shipley Field at the University of Maryland on Tuesday with a feeling that had been lost since March 19: the thrill of victory. The Hoyas (7-20, 1-11 Big East) ended an eleven-game slide with an impressive 8-4 victory over the Terrapins behind the stellar pitching performance of senior Pat Salvitti and sophomore catcher Andrew Cleary’s power hitting display.



Please stay Cause our team really needs you And please play Or else our front court won’t shine, no

I know that the choice isn’t simple And I know that the season’s been long But it’s clear that you’re thinking of leaving And that decision would be very


Men’s golf on the brink of NCAA Tournament

Georgetown men’s golf Head Coach Tommy Hunter likes to call his team “the best-kept secret on campus.” This spring, the secret may get out-the Hoyas are poised to qualify for the NCAA tournament for only the second time in the team’s history with three weeks of competition remaining.


A Sweet choice

Goldman Sachs called. They’ve heard that you’ve been doing great things in the MSB and offer you $1 million to leave Georgetown a year early and work for them. All your life you have prepared to work at Goldman Sachs, so you seriously consider their offer.


A major choice

While students in the School of Foreign Service are often stereotyped as workaholic pre-professionals, it is becoming increasingly easier to manage the school’s curriculum. The SFS requires a core of 16 classes, a 10-12 class major, many of which have been recently reduced, and proficiency in a foreign language.


A diverse requirement

On April 2, the College dean’s office issued the spring edition of The College, the online newsletter for students. An easy-to-ignore section near the top, pointed to the possibility of a major shift in the way the College approaches core requirements. Associate Dean Anne Sullivan is conducting a review of the College curriculum measuring the number of diversity-related courses offered.


Filmy buildup

While GUTV and cohorts have yet again collaborated to host the Third Annual Student Film Festival on campus, perhaps some would rather spend their lunch money on a more culturally diverse bunch of shorts-that’s short films for you uninformed folks.

This weekend Visions Cinema and Bistro Lounge will again be showing Oscar nominated short films from around the world.


Sleep with the Voice

Hi, we’re the Voice. You know, a lot of people think that once you get your own campuswide newsmagazine it’s really easy to get lucky. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the only one of us who’s getting any cookie at all is Dave Stroup, and that’s just ’’cause he’s a well-hung stud.


Scientology and you, minus your money and soul

Sick of the same old boring God? Communion wafers just not as tasty as they used to be? Tired of having to mutilate your genitals? Maybe it’s time for a new religion. Or maybe it’s time to give Scientology a try. With the Founding Church of Scientology located in Dupont Circle, finding an illogical credo to blindly adhere to is as easy as ceasing to question your better judgement.


Coat hangers & pacifiers

Shock Value: Fairly low. We recommend a picture of a baby with a nail through its head to boost the shock factor, making your message more pointed. Comments: Nervous system?... Read more


Pioneering, sans covered wagons

“There are two types of people in this world: those who love Neil Diamond and those who don’t. I don’t.”

Jenny Manno (CAS ‘03) is quoting What About Bob? and talking about her run in backstage with the pop songwriter one night two summers ago. Like most college students, she has about a million CDs and has rocked many concerts, keeping her ticket stubs in a small album and collecting T-shirts from her favorite bands.


If you’re happy and you know it

My senior year of high school I played the lead role in our spring musical, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I’ll be the first to admit that it was one of my highest moments of dorkdom, but somehow I recovered to become the hip, suave person that I am now.


Operation R.O.T.C

Some students join the Reserve Officer Training Corps to serve their country. Some need the money for college. And some just want to be President someday. Today, Georgetown recruiters target students who are interested in leadership positions in the future. According to Major Jon Chytka, most cadets join ROTC with the intention of “setting themselves up for success later on.”

“Everyone, even Democrats, has had military experience,” Chytka said. “Even Bill Clinton had one year of M1 [ROTC training].”


Applauding a bold new foreign policy

Now that the bombs are dropping, it seems that it has become (pardon my French) pass? to criticize the war in Iraq. Both the policies that got us to this point and the President who used the bully pulpit to spearhead the effort are equally off-limits. Supposedly, this rule of etiquette did not go into effect until after the Republicans were done trashing President Clinton’s military efforts while we had troops on the ground in Kosovo.


Letter to the Editor

Rape scenes in movies make me think that everyone is insane. I have been raped and do not need to shell out $8 to watch the fantasy of violence unfold before me. I can peruse my own, very solid memories any time I feel like it, which is pretty much never. I was disappointed at Gilbert Cruz’s review of the film Irreversible (”’Irreversible’ unforgettable,” April 3), because I found it decidedly shallow and cavalier in relation to the question of rape scenes in movies.