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A drinking solution?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism released a report about the alcohol culture at U.S. colleges last week. The statistics show that 1,400 college students die each year from alcohol-related injuries and that 70,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date-rape each year.


Imitations of rawk

Last week, MTV2 viewers were treated to a mini-marathon of vintage Nirvana clips to celebrate, what else, the eighth anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. Not only did this probably cause nostalgic sighs across suburban America, but it also likely sparked laments over the spawn of half-ass imitators the band inspired.


About a great soundtrack

by Marsha Chien

Radiohead, Starsailor, Muse, Oasis, Charlatans, Coldplay, Gomez, Travis, David Gray, Stereophonics, Belle & Sebastian, Ballboy, Stone Roses and Badly Drawn Boy are proof that despite declaring independence, Americans still find a place in their hearts for their relatives across the Atlantic.


Promise Ring’s Wood/Water lacking elements

Many scenesters of the emo-pop persuasion might consider the Promise Ring demigods. You know?mythological, godlike creatures not quite divine, but still a step above mortal. Well, the Ring (as they are known casually to their fans) rode in on the emotional explosion of pop bands, when others such as Braid and Sunny Day Real Estate dried their tears and folded their handkercheifs.


Oedipus wrecks drama stereotypes

If there are two concepts that get more bad press than “Greek melodrama” and “minimalist theater,” I don’t know what they are. Visions of overwraught harpies shrieking as they flounce around a bare stage to the strains of cheesy synth music are enough to make even the strong shudder.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

Dbo: The past is almost done. But thank you for making it so damn much fun. Pumpkin: Romancing Romeos and filling out countless invoices kept our head above water all semester. This page wouldn’t exist without your efforts, thank you. Sunshine: I’d wish you luck next semester, but I think I’ll save it for after when I’ve given you a letter home.


1, 2, 3, 4 … Protest!

Two years ago, National Rifle Association President Charlton Heston came to campus and called our generation one of the most apathetic in American history.

He was wrong then. The day Heston came to campus, students protested?against him personally and against his stance on gun control.


Students, faculty protest speaker

On Friday afternoon, papier-m?ch? Israeli tanks and jets with the slogan “Brought to you by the American Taxpayer”circled the statue of John Carroll in front of the Healy building, while others, posing as Israeli soldiers, attacked other protest participants simulating Palestinian civilians.


Community scholars receive grant

The Community Scholars program will use a $105,000 grant given to the University’s Center for Minority Educational Affairs to expand its curriculum and program length.

The Community Scholars Program consists of a group of approximately 50 minority students who attend a three-week program before the beginning of each school year to acquaint them with the academic and social atmosphere of campus.


Flag display fuels abortion debate

The controversial issue of abortion resurfaced this Monday as students passed thousands of pink and blue flags which filled Copley Lawn on Monday.

The 3,643 flags, put up by GU Right to Life, symbolized the number of abortions performed daily in the United States, according to statistics from the Alan Guttmacher Institute.


Athletes concerned about morning safety

Student athletes showed concern this week over the lack of security on and around campus in the early morning hours, in response to the assault and robbery of Jason Bonitsky (CAS ‘02) Saturday morning. Both Metropolitan Police Department and Department of Public Safety officers took more than half an hour to respond to the incident.


Honor council revises sanctions guidelines

The Georgetown University Honor Council approved and published a revised version of the Honor System Sanctioning Guidelines on Wednesday.

The revised guidelines were rewritten to clarify the definitions of common cases of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating and impermissible collaboration.


Committee responds to college alcohol report

An estimated 1,400 college students die each year in drinking-related accidents, according to a report released last week by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

In response to this, and to a recent Harvard report detailing trends in risky alcohol use among college students, a committee of Georgetown students, faculty and administrators have produced strategies to improve alcohol-related problems on campus.


GU students assaulted by MPD officers

Approximately seven Georgetown students were harassed and assaulted by Metropolitan Police Department officers early Sunday morning for “disorderly conduct.” The two students that were arrested and five that were harrassed are drafting a petiton protesting their treatment and calling for an investigation into the incident.


In praise of carelessness

About a month ago I was celebrating my birthday in New York with some friends. It was 2 a.m., and I had drank too much. One friend and I left the group in search of another bar we thought was close by. Three laps around the West Village and 45 minutes later, we realized we were lost.


The Big Picture

The Big Picture


What senior life means to me

Seniors typically write their final pieces about what it means to be graduating, what they’re most going to remember about college, how they’ve changed, what it feels like to be entering the real world, how they’ve learned from their friends and what they feel like using their $150,000 brains for after getting their diplomas.


Sleep junkie

The alarm begins its discordant wake-up call. Snooze. I realize that I have a paper to finish. Snooze. It needs to be done before I go to class at noon. Snooze. I have already gotten eight hours of sleep. Snooze. 10 a.m. seems like a perfectly reasonable time to get out of bed.


The Superstar Among Us

The office looks strikingly similar to the many other academic offices in this building; it is perhaps even a bit smaller than most. The desk is cluttered, full bookshelves stand against the wall, and the view from the fourth floor of Georgetown University’s vast Intercultural Center, while pleasant, is unspectacular.


As American as Whiffle Ball

You start to realize that you’re not a kid anymore when it dawns on you that you can beat your parents at most things.

For about six years, I always beat my dad at Connect Four. It was so blatant that he was throwing games, though, because he’d have about 19 different options for a fourth black checker to fall into, and he’d choose the only one on that ghetto contraption which wouldn’t create Connect Four.


Tame Tiger

Don’t get me wrong: Tiger Woods is indisputably a handsome man. He is, by all accounts, a nice guy who is humble about and deserving of the billions of dollars and hours of media attention he receives for his golfing prowess. But this past week, I’ve grown real sick of seeing his smiling face every time I turn on the TV, read the newspaper or log onto ESPN.


The Sports Sermon

There’s a simple test that occurs every April, which serves as certifiable proof to the level of “sports nerditude” found in every fan in America. The signs of a high nerditude are easy to recognize. If you start slicking your hair back like Mel Kiper Jr., know Tulane quarterback Patrick Ramsey’s shoe size or can quote the bio of some defensive tackle from Hofstra, then you have fallen into the abyss of the NFL draft.


Men’s lax undefeated; track teams shine

Men’s Lacrosse (9-0 overall, 3-0 ECAC, No. 3 ranking in USILA/STX poll)

The perfect season is still attainable as the Hoyas improved on their undefeated record with a nail-biting 8-7 victory over Hobart College on Saturday. Very muddy conditions and a solid defensive effort from Hobart forced the Hoyas to rely on a more balanced scoring attack than usual.


Elbe leads women’s lax balanced attack

The Georgetown women’s lacrosse team is as hot as the D.C. weather, having defeated James Madison, Boston College and William & Mary this week to improve to 11-1 and 4-0 in the Big East. They have also maintained their No. 2 ranking in this week’s BRINE/IWLCA poll.


Voices carry on 14th

This week, grab that $1.10 and take the G2 Metrobus down to 14th Street. Strong and exciting women’s performance nights are just springing up all over the place there, and I suggest you catch them while they last. The first of the two, Mothertongue, is a women’s spoken word night.