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The Voice Crossword Puzzle Solution

The Voice Crossword Puzzle Solution


The Voice Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. Middle __ 5. Entice 9. Place for storing pictures 14. Using a bow 15. Short, squat African warrior 16. Double-gourded musical instrument 17. Traffic regulator 19. Correspondence 20. Lover of beauty 21. Already gone 23. Amino acid 24. Deserve 25.


The Big Picture

The Big Picture


The Big Picture

The Big Picture


A guide to the finer (and cheaper) cuisine of D.C.

You yearn for dietary change. On these pages you’ll find critiques of restaurants in local neighborhoods. Our critics have been selected based upon a variety of factors: They hate cafeteria food, they have money to splurge, and they are connoisseurs of the finer,and cheaper, places to eat in D.


Keyes for TV success

Cable-news junkies have welcomed the latest addition to the pantheon of talking heads. Sometime Presidential candidate and full-time conservative pundit Alan Keyes is now hosting a program on MSNBC called Alan Keyes Is Making Sense. One portion of the program is devoted to a “conversation” between Keyes and several guests, supposedly “regular folks” plucked from the District’s streets.


Playing with water

Even if Afghanistan is landlocked, we’ll settle for a Victory at Sea. If you are racked with paranoia from this week’s State of the Union speech, go to the Black Cat and relax to their sultry and desolate sounds of this quietly captivating Boston indie band.


Cold cut fever

With any luck, you’ve already read this week’s cover story about the Voice staff’s favorite area restaurants. Now, while we at Voice Leisure are committed to getting students off campus to take advantage of Washington’s many cultural offerings, we understand that there are many times when leaving campus just isn’t an option.


Jumping for love

A remarkable thing is happening right now at Arena Stage: They are performing a romantic comedy that somehow escapes the nauseating and hackneyed nature of the genre as a whole. On the contrary, Arena’s latest production, On the Jump, is both cleverly engaging and surprisingly refreshing.


Good music gone bad

In a business as increasingly cynical as the record industry, the “tribute album” phenomenon might be the most cynical trend of all. After all, for what purpose other than to perhaps cover time-share fees for record-company executives might these records be released? However, such cynicism is not necessarily warranted?some recent tribute albums have been a pleasant artistic diversion.


French import ruins it for everyone

“Oh, The Brotherhood of the Wolf?” said my friend, “That was out in France about a year ago.” Having spent the semester abroad, she had been in Paris to witness first-hand the sensation that surrounded this film. I had already formulated my opinion, and was desperate to draw out of my friend how the French?and if I am to believe the trailers that tout this film as the most momentous thing to hit the Old World since the Bubonic Plague, all of Europe, too?came to theirs.


Nomadic tackles complex play

Named after the Schubert Quartet around which much of the plot circles, Death and the Maiden raises questions of trust, women’’s empowerment, the nature of true justice, the role of silence in healing, forgiving, forgetting and the existence if objective truth, but provides few answers.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

CW?So calling cards and cell phones stink. I may have to get a job just to cover the cost of hearing your soft little voice! Do you want to spend one more night putting your section on the web while I wait for you! Or maybe a night cuddling with me while I’m on duty? Just 4 more weeks! Love, TF

You think I know, but I have no idea.



ROMEO’S PIZZERIA Hiring Drivers, Promoter, and Inside Help. Full & Part Time. 202-337-1111 or Davar at 703-798-9922

NOW HIRING: jrs, srs and grad students for P/T SAT tutoring. Must have car, excellent SAT scores and/or 3.0 GPA. Great pay, flexible hours.



Nomadic Theater presents Dead Bunny Productions: four student-written, student-directed plays. Irreverent. Outrageous. Overwhelming. Absolutely Free Theatre. Saturday, Feb. 2 Midnight Bulldog Alley After Death and the Maiden Free Admission!


English department amends curriculum

The English Department has changed the structure of its major, raising some questions as to how the curriculum will continue balance the Western canon with literature courses that deal with diversity and minorities.

Compounding the issue was a vote against including a statement in the new curriculum guidelines mandating that all departmental courses “address the importance of diversity” in race, religion, class, sex and gender.


Students to vote on alternative to GUSA

The Georgetown University Student Association voted Tuesday to set Feb. 11 as the date on which students will vote to repeal the current GUSA constitution and replace it with a new constitution proposed by The Yard.

Proponents of The Yard, an alternative student government structure to GUSA, delivered a petition to GUSA’s Constitutional Council calling for a proposed amendment to the Constitution.


ABC correspondant discusses political culture

“The most pressing issue in politics is the need for infusion of values into both domestic and foreign policy,” ABC News Chief Congressional Correspondant Cokie Roberts said in a speech Wednesday night.

Mrs. Roberts and husband Steve Roberts, a professor at George Washington University, analyzed the Washington political scene and offered their opinions on the future of America.



For 10 years or so in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the District was horribly violent, bankrupt, deserted and embarrassed. Its limited home rule status was a chimera: Home rule has always been heavily circumscribed. The advent of a financial control board in 1995 and the concession of mayoral power to that board was almost too mundane an end to the hellish decade that preceded it.


Speechwriter assesses Bush’s style

Former President Bill Clinton’s chief speechwriter David Kusnet compared the speaking styles of Clinton and President George W. Bush last night, focusing on Bush’s State of the Union Address.

According to Kusnet, who worked during Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign and the first two years of his presidency, Bush’s style of speaking is much simpler than Clinton’s.


GUSA supports Michigan case

Georgetown University Student Association Representatives Steve Glickman (CAS ‘02) and Luis Torres (CAS ‘05) proposed a resolution Tuesday night calling for the University to write a friend of the court brief to the Supreme Court in the University of Michigan affirmative action case.


Afghan ruler promises democracy

Afghanistan’s new ruler promised to establish a strong democratic government responsive to each citizen and capable of bringing stability to a country that has suffered from more than two decades of political turmoil. Speaking in front of over 3,000 people who packed into McDonough Gymnasium on Sunday, Afghanistan’s Interim Authority Chairman Hamid Karzai said that the Afghan people are ready to rebuild their country.


Deadline for GLBT center response missed

The deadline that Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez set earlier this year to provide his written response to students supporting a resource center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students has passed, say supporters of the center.

Gonzalez has twice proposed a date to provide the response.


President responds to medical faculty concerns

The appointment of Dr. Sam Wiesel to the newly-created position of Senior Vice President of the Medical Center and Dean of Clinical Affairs is critical to the fluorishing of the Georgetown-MedStar partnership, University President John J. DeGioia said in his response to a petition submitted by Medical Center faculty.


DeGioia gives State of the School address

University President John J. DeGioia praised Georgetown’s rich traditions and sense of community in the State of the School address Tuesday evening.

DeGioia spoke of changes on campus since the events of September. “After Sept. 11, what had the most meaning for me was the sense of community.