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The true courtside seats

Everyone always thinks the best seats at a basketball game are those $1000 courtside seats where all the celebrities pay big bucks to sit. You know which ones I’m taking about.

Just think?Jack Nicholson and Lara Flynn Boyle are shown every weekend on NBC sitting in those “prime” seats at the Lakers games, while Spike Lee sits courtside at all the Knicks games with that damn orange towel draped over his head which he insists on waving around like he’s the expert on all Knick matters.


The Sports Sermon

It was brought to our attention over the weekend, while spending late nights in the Voice office with noodles, fun baggy sweatpants and bearded fellows from the University of Georgia, that the editor of this section and the writer of this prosaic diatribe (ah, isn’t talking in unnamed third person so .


Crew uses setback to prepare for spring

Georgetown varsity and novice crews competed in to separate regattas this weekend and posted mixed results across the board. Last week, the novice crews competed in a scrimmage against UVA and George Washington, and this week they traveled to Princeton, N.


The need for civil rights

In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, lawmakers have focused heavily on national security. To bolster the national investigation, President Bush has expanded law enforcement agencies’ powers to detain... Read more


Bring home the vote

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, those who favor D.C. statehood have intensified their efforts at gaining Congressional representation for the District’s 571,000 residents. Since District taxes will... Read more


Committee meeting

On Wednesday night, the Student Committee on Student-Community Interaction held a Town Hall Meeting at Washington International School to present a preliminary list of proposals meant to alleviate the concerns... Read more


After the show, they just go home: an interview with Death Cab for Cutie

Death Cab for Cutie, a Seattle-based band that formed in 1997, has released three albums for Barsuk Records: Something About Airplanes (1999), We Have the Facts and We’re Voting Yes... Read more


Fun for the whole family

Despite recent offerings in the indie-rock arena, I have been finding myself somewhat dismayed by the selection of concert-outings during the past few weeks. My recollections of last year, my... Read more


West Winging it

The West Wing has had nothing short of a religious viewership since its debut in 1999, with sharp writing and enjoyable policy debates. The show has also managed to narrow... Read more


Her Quiet Revolution

“GEORGETOWN BREAKS TRADITION, ALLOWS WOMEN INTO COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES” said the headline of the press release from the Georgetown University news service on Sept. 19, 1968. It went... Read more


Time to step up

Last week, a letter was written to the editor of the Voice concerning the previous Saxa Politica column entitled, “What Security?” In the letter, Department of Public Safety Communications Officer... Read more


Events educate GU on violence against women

The University is hosting events dealing with sexual assault and issues of violence against women during Take Back the Night week. The week will end this Friday with a rally,... Read more


GUSA passes Students’ Bill of Rights

A Students’ Bill of Rights was passed unanimously by the Georgetown University Student Association Tuesday night. The Bill of Rights affirms the right of university students to participate in community... Read more


GU mailrooms proven anthrax-free

Environmental testing of Georgetown’s mail processing centers in Alexandria, Va., and at the Law Center have revealed no anthrax contamination. As a result, the 35 mailroom employees who were taking... Read more


New director hired for Gospel Choir

An interim director was hired last Wednesday for the University’s Gospel Choir. The Choir was without a director since late September when then-director Derek Campbell resigned. Campbell resigned a few... Read more


Tutu preaches forgiveness

South African Archbishop and activist Desmond Tutu praised the value of cooperation and forgiveness last Thursday in Gaston Hall, offering a peaceful solution to contemporary issues of political discord. “We... Read more


Conservation at the Corcoran

If you are one of those people who think landscape photography is best reserved for postcards and family vacation albums, you may want to do yourself a favor and make... Read more


Memorial remembers GU members lost Sept. 11

Students, faculty, friends and family gathered in Gaston Hall for a Friday morning Mass in memory of the Georgetown alumni, faculty and family who perished in the terrorist events of... Read more


Riding in Cars a success

Upon discovering the undeniable fact of her pregnancy, a 15-year-old Beverly D’Onofrio repeatedly launches herself down the carpeted stairs of her Wallingford, Conn. home. The result? A hysterical feat of... Read more


Students discuss GU-community relations

Last night, a student committee presented a list of proposals on how to improve current student-community relations to an audience of Georgetown residents. The committee called for better education of... Read more


Funny things not happening at Poulton

In its second production of the season, Mask and Bauble offers its audience a campy and slapstick musical performance that will at least entertain the actors’ friends. A Funny Thing... Read more


Clinton said globalization increases threats to U.S.

In his second address in Gaston Hall since Sept. 11, former President Bill Clinton said that the United States should focus on winning its current military fight while simultaneously focusing... Read more


Abolish the illogical

The death penalty is an issue I have always felt strongly about. It represents much of what people hate about America: a daily reminder of the contradictions in our ideologies... Read more


Don’t panic; it’s only war

I’m sitting in my living room, flipping through the channels, and it occurs to me: We’re at war. And where are all the news cameras at 6 o’clock? Kabul? Nope.... Read more


GPB, Lecture Fund ticket practices unfair

The system that Georgetown Program Board and Lecture Fund use to hand out tickets for their programs is ridiculous. I know that this opinion is not just mine, and there... Read more