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Mutombo speaks on basketball, life

Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacque Wamutombo. He’s a man with seven names, but two missions: basketball and service. Mutombo, a former Georgetown big-man and current member of the NBA’s... Read more


Mutombo speaks on basketball, life

Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacque Wamutombo. He’s a man with seven names, but two missions: basketball and service. Mutombo, a former Georgetown big-man and current member of the NBA’s... Read more


I love you Reggie

On Monday, August 27, Reggie and the Full Effect closed their “Mortgaging the Farm Tour” (their first ever!) with a show at the 930 Club. Hot Rod Circuit, Ultimate Fakebook... Read more


Haunted Houses, Hollywood and Heidegger

If I were to walk up to the average Georgetown student, and inquire: “read any decent fiction lately?”—their first response would be a resigned “yeah, right pal, more reading is... Read more


Aaliyah: You will be missed

The death of any public figure resonates throughout the nation via radio, print and television. However, while the media can inform the public as to the tragic loss of someone’s... Read more



I’m Ian, and with my better half, Mike-D, I will be your Cultural Revolutionary for the year. While Mike suggested forays into non-musical forms of expression, I am content, at... Read more


Jay and Silent Bob suck back

I consider myself a Kevin Smith fan. But when I heard that he was doing a new film that brought back characters from the previous four, I had a bad... Read more


Delegations hold interfaith dialogue

Georgetown hosted delegations of Palestinians and Israelis in an interfaith dialogue Wednesday. The discussions, facilitated by members of the Campus Ministry, Pat Conroy S.J., Imam Yahya Hendi and Rabbi Harold... Read more


GU Hosts Program for Residents

This fall, Georgetown will offer a non-credit academic program designed for University neighbors and D.C. area residents. The Center for Lifelong Learning, part of the School for Summer and Continuing... Read more


GU Identity Crisis

What does it mean for Georgetown to not have a Jesuit president? The question of how Georgetown’s Catholic identity will change due to the absence of a Jesuit president began... Read more


Students to run dorm discipline

The Residential Judicial Council, designed by InterHall to create a more student-centered disciplinary system, will be introduced campus-wide following last year’s successful pilot program in the New South dorm. “We... Read more


St. Mary’s undergoes renovation

A complete renovation of the St. Mary’s building will allow for more accessible and technologically up-to-date spaces for the Georgetown community, said Michael Bergin, the Executive Director of the School... Read more


Mass of the Holy Spirit not given by President

The 2001 Mass of the Holy Spirit was not performed by the University President for the first time on Wednesday. John J. DeGioia passed the duty of presiding over the... Read more


New district lines for local ANC

Last week, a task force of 17 local residents voted on new district lines for the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission, an organization which serves as the neighborhood’s voice in advising... Read more


Provost Dorothy Brown to retire

At the end of this academic year, University Provost Dorothy Brown will retire. In 1998, Brown assumed the position of Interim Provost until 1999 when she accepted a three-year term... Read more


How the BZA will Decide Georgetown’s Future

Georgetown students have confronted discrimination from neighbors for many years. ?For as long as many can remember, university-neighborhood relations in the quiet and elite D.C. neighborhood of Georgetown have been... Read more


Riot-Grrrl, Interrupted

Riot-grrrl is back. This underground youth feminist movement, which initially responded to the male dominated punk scene, consisted of consciousness- raising meetings where girls joined together in a safe space... Read more


Leave Condit alone, already

U.S. Rep. Gary Condit’s (D-Ca) Prime Time Live interview last Thursday typified for viewers how the media has handled the Chandra Levy saga. While the impassive Condit was less than... Read more


Georgetown says NAY to BZA

An organization most students haven’t heard of, much less thought about, has the potential to change student’s lives here at Georgetown. The Board of Zoning Adjustment, a governmental body which... Read more


Coach Tabatznik said it: “One game at a time”

As the Georgetown Men’s soccer team gets ready to start a new season, their plan is simple: Make the NCAA’s. Men’s soccer has consistently?that is, for the past three years?been... Read more


The Sports Sermon

Two things we can learn from watching The Life on ESPN: 1. Ken Simonton, Oregon State running back and Heisman candidate, looks cool in a beret. In fact, more superstar... Read more


Eight Hoyas to watch before December

So you’re a first-year, or maybe a little older, and you’re looking for something to do this weekend, eh? Well, chances are there’s a party, somewhere on this campus, thrown... Read more


Lies, lies, lies!

As we begin another school year I am forced to reflect on my summer and ask myself the same thing we each ponder as a new year begins and summer... Read more


Salvaging a scrap of dignity

As if it weren’t enough of a clich? for a senior returning from a year abroad to write an article about the adjustment and reacclimation that describe his every new... Read more


I’m better than Eddie Winslow

Eddie, the oldest son from Family Matters would have had a kick-ass party if Carl and the family went away for a week. He would have invited over some buddies... Read more