Alice Gao

Alice is a junior in the School of Foreign Service, studying Global Business with minors in Jewish Civilization and Spanish. In her free time, she enjoys excessive baking and having her heart broken by the Philadelphia Eagles.


GU Mutual Aid Network redistributes over $5,000 to students in need

Since the beginning of August, Georgetown students have raised nearly $6,500 in funds for students through the GU Mutual Aid Network. Over $5,100 of the amount raised has been redistributed... Read more


University officials outline health and safety plan for off-campus students

Georgetown administration officials discussed the university’s health and safety plan for off-campus students in a virtual town hall on Aug. 5. Administrators, including Chief of Staff Joe Fererra, Chief Operating... Read more


City Council finalizes 2021 budget

The D.C. City Council unanimously voted to approve the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Support Act of 2020 in a virtual meeting on July 28. As the second of two required... Read more


D.C. City Council approves cuts to MPD funding

The D.C. City Council passed a $15 million cut to the Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) funding in a unanimous vote on July 23 as a part of the city’s $16.8... Read more


Dear PWI: Students use social media to share stories of racism and bias on campus

CW: Racism When Tara Ravishankar (COL ‘22) came across various Instagram accounts telling the stories of marginalized students at predominantly white institutions (PWIs) across the country, she immediately thought of... Read more


Georgetown Explained: Contraceptive access on campus

This article is part of a series of explainer pieces by the Voice on some of the most important topics on campus. Other articles in the series can be found... Read more


Amy Klobuchar, Eric Holder address systemic racism and policing reform

Former presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and former Attorney General Eric Holder addressed Georgetown University students on June 10 in a virtual event hosted by the Georgetown Institute of... Read more


Brooke Pinto presumptive winner of Ward 2 primary

Foggy Bottom ANC Commissioner Patrick Kennedy officially conceded the Democratic primary election in the Ward 2 council election on June 6 following the release of new vote counts that saw... Read more


D.C. holds primaries, no winner yet announced in Ward 2 race

D.C. held its presidential and city primaries on June 2 amid continuing protests in response to the killing of George Floyd by a police officer while in custody and the... Read more


Federal officials weigh in on Ward 2 council race to replace Jack Evans

Minnesota Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) endorsed Jordan Grossman for Ward 2 Councilmember on May 12 in the upcoming June 2 Democratic primary election. Grossman, a... Read more