Anna Hunter


War is Hell

Tropic Thunder surprised me. The trailer and ads had me braced for a classic screwups-in-peril format: hopeless incompetents defeating death with liberal doses of slapstick and potty humor. In that respect it didn’t disappoint, pouring on sight gags and classic slap in epic proportions. But the real reason to see Tropic Thunder is its razor sharp satirical dissection of the Hollywood hit machine.


Sordid Lives gets naked

Three half naked cowboys in boxers take the stage in a small black room with a low ceiling with two pissed off, outrageously dressed southern women holding a shot gun and a revolver. A loud BANG follows and one of the lights goes out. “I said DANCE!” Sound like the next Quentin Tarantino film?


Lez’hur Ledger: D.C.’s hamSTARS run for glory

This past weekend was hot, but it wasn’t the heat outside that ignited a fire in the hearts of hamster enthusiasts in the D.C. Metro Area.