Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


In GU Fossil Free-CISR dialogue, a model for campus engagement

Eight members of the student group GU Fossil Free presented a finalized proposal to the university’s Committee on Investments and Social Responsibility, an advisory committee to the Board of Directors,... Read more


D.C. voters should pass marijuana initiative, but proceed with caution

To reduce racial disparities in D.C. drug arrests, the Council of the District of Columbia voted in July to decriminalize possessing up to 1 ounce of marijuana for citizens aged... Read more


Sabra protests put strengths and dangers of Israel BDS on display

Sabra Dipping Company opened a pop-up Hummus House on Wisconsin Ave. at the beginning of this month, at once inviting both sampling of the unassuming Levantine delicacy and criticism of... Read more


Construction, advocacy should augment campus disability dialogue

With much of Georgetown’s campus currently affected by construction, accessibility for disabled students and faculty has been severely curtailed. Fences crisscross throughways while concrete barricades block off roads and ramps.... Read more


GU administration’s priorities turn away from student rights, well-being

Earlier this month, GUSA revealed that university administration was considering consolidating the Women’s Center, LGBTQ Resource Center, and the Center for Multicultural Equity Access into a single entity. The proposal... Read more


District Council should advocate in opposition to concealed carry ruling

In response to a July ruling by U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. that declared D.C.’s ban on firearms unconstitutional, the Council of the District of Columbia passed emergency... Read more


ANC elections demand more GU student-neighborhood engagement

Georgetown shares little more than a name with the community that surrounds it. While students inhabit streets, sidewalks, and buildings alongside neighborhood residents, their political interactions are limited. The Advisory... Read more


In VA case, racial gerrymandering corrosive to American democracy

Last week, a panel of federal judges ruled Virginia Republicans’ newly redrawn congressional district map unconstitutional on the grounds that it sequestered a large swath of the state’s voting-age African-American... Read more


U.S. media outlets that cultivate Ebola fear distract from real issue

Ebola has made its way to the U.S. Two cases have emerged on American soil thus far. Two nurses who helped treat Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man visiting family... Read more


GU’s proposed third-year meal plan extorts students, demands action

Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Business Services Joelle Wiese revealed yesterday to the Voice that Georgetown is considering implementing a third-year meal plan requirement. Georgetown University Student Association President Trevor... Read more