The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!
In February, Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder filed a lawsuit against sportswriter Dave McKenna and the Washington City Paper for an article titled “The Cranky Redskin’s Guide to Dan Snyder,”... Read more
By the Editorial Board September 14, 2011
For several months, the Endowment Commission has been in a dialogue with Georgetown’s administration about investing the Student Activities Fee Endowment in a reincarnation of the famous Healy Pub. Despite... Read more
By the Editorial Board September 14, 2011
For years, Georgetown students have been waiting for an expanded and protected wireless internet network on campus, a standard service at most universities. When University Information Services announced the launch... Read more
By the Editorial Board September 8, 2011
Last week, President Obama ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to drop proposed revisions on existing ozone regulations. Ground level ozone is the primary component of smog, which is known to... Read more
By the Editorial Board September 8, 2011
While many have heralded the unveiling of the new Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial on the National Mall as a major milestone for race relations in America, the way it... Read more
By the Editorial Board September 8, 2011
The Georgetown men’s basketball team’s trip to China was intended to be an opportunity for the University to use “basketball diplomacy” to strengthen its brand internationally and to allow the players to test themselves against a different kind of opponent. But the bench-clearing brawl cast a pall over a trip designed to foster goodwill between the University and the most populous nation in the world. The rest of the trip, however, went off without a hitch, and credit should go to coach John Thompson III both for his on-court leadership during the fracas and for his diplomatic handling of its aftermath.
By the Editorial Board August 26, 2011
Last week, the ANC’s redistricting task force, which was created to draw eight single-member districts within the ANC’s turf in order to reflect population growth, adopted a proposal that would cram students living in University-owned buildings into two massive districts. It is crucial that Georgetown students turn out in force to oppose the continued trampling of their right to equal representation in D.C. government.
By the Editorial Board August 26, 2011
After the Department of Health and Human Services announced its decision to require full contraceptive coverage on all new insurance plans after January 2012, Georgetown Professor Dr. Hal Lawrence, in a commendable break with official University policy, spoke out in favor of the change. In his capacity as vice president of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Lawrence said, “The women of this country deserve no less than access to all comprehensive and clinically effective preventative care.”
By the Editorial Board August 26, 2011
When the Justice Department announced in late February that it would no longer defend the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, a law prohibiting federal or interstate recognition of same-sex marriage, it put itself on the right side of the struggle for equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.
By the Editorial Board April 28, 2011
Earlier this month, Georgetown’s Health Education Services rolled out a new initiative to foster improved sexual health education on campus. Although the process is not complete, it is encouraging to see that H*yas for Choice was involved in the creation of a program that would both improve sexual health education at Georgetown and respect the University’s Catholic identity. If this plan gets off the ground, it will demonstrate that student engagement with the University on touchy issues like sexual health can succeed.
By the Editorial Board April 28, 2011