Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Administration needs to focus on aid

The Admissions and Recruitment Working Group, one of three diversity working groups commissioned by President DeGioia in April, released a series of promising but imperfect recommendations to the student body... Read more


Obama’s surge: New era for Afghanistan

Taliban fighters have a phrase that they have used to describe their strategy in Afghanistan: the Americans have the watches, but we have the time. They do not need to... Read more


GUSA shouldn’t control student fees

Between finals, basketball season, and impending holiday vacations, Georgetown students would be forgiven for missing the ongoing dispute between the Georgetown University Student Association and club funding boards. But if... Read more


Church shouldn’t abandon D.C. needy

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It’s unclear whether the 68,000 people currently receiving social... Read more


Campus plan needs clear priorities

After months of planning, Georgetown’s 2010 Campus Plan is nearly complete, defining what construction projects the University can undertake over the upcoming decade. The plan has laudable new goals, such... Read more


Jesuit massacre sheds light on School

Twenty years ago last Monday, Salvadoran soldiers murdered six Jesuits, their housekeeper, and her daughter in the early morning. The military targeted the Jesuits because they called for peace talks... Read more


Students need meal plan flexibility

When this semester ends, students can sell back books they bought but hardly used. They can cancel their cable plans with the University if they find they are not watching... Read more


For DPS, fighting crime doesn’t pay

Patrolling a campus in one of America’s most violent cities, Department of Public Safety officers put a lot on the line to protect Georgetown students. Only a few years ago,... Read more


SAC the new GUSA funding board

Georgetown University Student Association President Calen Angert (MSB ‘11) has been fighting for months to fulfill one of his campaign promises: the Georgetown Fund, a GUSA-controlled fund for student groups.... Read more


Fenty needs to explain cozy contracts

Georgetown doesn’t have many fraternities, and that means students miss out on regular parts of college life at other schools like hazing, learning the Greek alphabet, and having a friend... Read more