Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Students should stand with LGTBQ

On a brisk fall night earlier this week, upwards of one hundred students, faculty, and other members of the Georgetown community gathered in Red Square to make a clear statement:... Read more


D.C. should avoid streetcar desire

The District Department of Transportation is gearing up for a massive streetcar initiative that would connect all of D.C.’s eight wards through a 37-mile streetcar network, including a line that... Read more


Housing raffle favors the privileged

In a few weeks, the housing lottery will bring nervous upperclassmen to the brink of obsession—leaving them poring over floor plans, holding awkward negotiations with friends, and triple-checking the Office... Read more


DeGioia disconnected from students

Where in the world is President John DeGioia? A quick Google search shows Georgetown’s president popping up worldwide—in China, or in Davos, Switzerland. Very rarely, though, will a student spot... Read more


Teacher firings call for explanation

An 18 hour D.C. Council hearing last Friday that featured over 100 petitioners proved that tensions are still high in the District of Columbia Public School System over the recent... Read more


FCC should keep the Internet open

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will begin to decide the future of the internet by deciding whether it will make regulations to protect net neutrality. The Commission should insert itself... Read more


Message alerts missing at Madness

Although Midnight Madness is usually a less-than-apt moniker for an event that ends well before the zero hour, the event lived up to the second half of its name Friday... Read more


Time for military to open the closet

Young voters helped propel Barack Obama into the White House, but at Sunday’s National Equality March on the National Mall, there were no pro-Obama chants coming from the largely youthful... Read more


Campus turned on by power saving

Environmentalism at Georgetown always comes with a caveat. The Intercultural Center is solar-powered, but only partially, and there is no plan to replace the solar panels when they stop producing... Read more


Registrar leaves students waiting

Take a walk through Georgetown’s campus, and it is quickly apparent that students are busy—with clubs, jobs, internships, and, most importantly, classes. Planning ahead of time keeps students from being... Read more